5 Ways to Implement the beginning of your yoga practice at home – MindYoga4U

Today I share with you 5 ways you tips to be easy to find the time and motivation to practice yoga at home . Whether you are a beginner or if you’ve spent years in the practice of yoga, you may find it difficult to practice yoga you sun @.

The reasons why you prefer to do yoga at home instead of going to a class can be several. Perhaps you are a mother / father and going to a yoga class one and a half makes you hard. Perhaps you have a work schedule that does not allow it , or perhaps do not know where there are yoga classes for your city. The reasons can be many.

The truth is that many people who for some moments in your life decide to practice yoga at home , or simply your routine. For example, I am going to yoga classes , but regardless, always get up do some sun salutations they do wake me completely, fully charged energy, and with conscious thought early:) Another time I practice yoga at home it is when I travel (in this case would not be in my house:)).

In those days, I can not go to my classes, I get up early and besides the sun salutation, make the sequences have a
desire to do more, or which directly influence something that is focusing on me. You may want to
lift your mood , or perhaps some positions for back pain or menstrual cramps . The fact is that me always managed to keep my practice because … it’s something I enjoy so much!

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And although it was not always easy to take it as a habit, with the experience I have managed to find the time and inspiration, and that ‘s what I want to share with you today, these 5 points so you can start or re – establish the practice of yoga at home here .

Yoga at home

Photo Susanica

1- Choose a “Day of Yoga”

It may be one day a week or more, depending on your schedule and time you want to devote him or priority you want to give. Lock it on the agenda, as you could have a family reunion or a meeting with friends. And try to always keep it. With a schedule is much more comfortable, I assure you.

2- Have a goal in mind

In yoga, as in life, enjoying the way, especially if you do not expect results enjoyed. But perhaps propose a target you become more exciting practice. You might want to make to achieve inverted posture that you find difficult, you might want to lose weight , or maybe you want to achieve have a conscious thought and your body, mind and soul come together in one. Anything you put your mind, have it in mind when deciding whether or not you do yoga at home , and see how the balance moves to the other.

3- Keep inspiration

Perhaps practicing yoga at home is a great challenge for you. You do not have someone to guide you to know what sequence to follow, what positions do. My advice is to look for inspiration, perhaps a page of online yoga , or perhaps buy a DVD with a guided practice is the best solution. You can also search yoga books , or search pages as MindYoga4U where you can find explanations of sequences, yoga videos , etc. To me what that has worked for me is … Well, you better look at him mism @ in this video.

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4- Take notes

When you have already started practicing yoga at home , it ‘s a good idea to take notes to help you make your practice better and better. List the sequences you’ve done, positions. You can also take notes of the changes you experience, how do you feel each pose. This way you can better remember the asanas, you will go better know your body and postures that are good for you at all times, and you have a guide for the next practice yoga at home .

5- Pass it well and enjoy!

The best for the end! Since you’ve taken the time to do yoga at home , enjoying every moment as it is unique. Be aware, he lives now. Smile! When you’re in a tough position when you’re doing an inverted posture, or if you lose your balance and you fall, give loose to laughter reins, and see how well you feel, and how many forces and energy gives you free yourself that way, you’ll see how much pleasure it gives you smile at life, despite moving down or being in a time / difficult position.

Yoga at home

Photo Amber Karnes

Have you practiced yoga at home , and have attended yoga classes? I’d love to know which of the two ways of doing yoga prefer, and why.

A hug and thanks for being there : )
