Be free of your complexes and Increase Your Self-Esteem |

Be free of your complexes and increase your self-esteem | 3When we live tormented by complex our life becomes a torment. A complex is something you think you have to be there or should not be and it makes you focus your life from that point that occupies most of his thoughts.

When I was 13 years for a car accident I stay a bulge in the upper thigh, there began my first resort, is He felt to wear a tight skirt or tight pants. I always hid let alone on the beach with friends, a torment, did not move from where I was sitting. There they started calling me weird because at things to hide my complex to nobody, things like saying the first thing I could think or achicharrarme in the sun for not wanting to move to find out.

When you live with a complex really suffer, begins a path of misery … if someone had told me to accept him and he could do something to get it out or simply just not noticeable … but I kept “silent”. Did not speak, do not tell anyone, it was my secret, which was taking my life. Because it is not live, I did not want to leave home and I spent the day comparing myself with others, my esteem was nil, my worth. Because he was absorbed in myself.

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I lost years of my life not to mention, not to ask for help or tell someone, because in the end I realized that to talk to someone about your problem loses its value and you begin to see that it was not so bad and all that it serves be acomplejado . I only hurt myself and I anulo with these harmful thoughts to me. The lump is still there, mirare possible solutions and if I can not get it then will accept it and move on unapologetic This is me and want to live happy! I will not lose my life.

Hazle front of your complex and facing reality, and I’m like this. Then find remedies and if you do not see possible solutions treat yourself well, you have to nurture yourself and fight for you. Do not expect others to do more than only you can do: love you, get up and live! You can because all the power and strength are within you.

A hug,

Nekane Valdivieso

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