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Bihar School of Yoga (Satyananda Yoga)

Saraswati Swami Satyananda

Bihar School of Yoga combines the ancient techniques and modern approach.
They are based on scientific research in the field of physiology, the ancient yogic and tantric works. Particular attention is paid Bihar School of
Yoga Nidra ( Yoga Mental sleep), described the founder of direction and is a special kind of meditation fixed in Shavasana.

Bihar School of Yoga offers performance of a small number of asanas, having therapeutic effect, as well as special methods of body purification –
Shatkarmas . However, the main purpose of practice – work with Sahasrara .

Bihar School of Yoga Classes include asana, pranayama,
yoga nidra and mantras. All postures are performed with mudras and bandhas in statics with an emphasis on the awakening of the Kundalini and the preparation of the body for Yoga Nidra . At the same time they are available, even for beginners, as are some of the easiest to Hatha Yoga. Next, practice Shavasana . Students should only mentally follow the voice of the instructor.

A characteristic feature of this practice is a constant rotation of consciousness in the body, performed in a certain sequence.
First is the part of the body, then it is rendered, the student touches her hand and guides in this area of the mantra. In this case, during the occupation of practicing for ourselves sankalpa (intention, decision). This is an important part of
Yoga Nidra , as the idea, implemented in such a way into the subconscious, has amazing power and awakens to action.

Methods of Bihar School of Yoga has a positive effect on all body systems, contributes to the accumulation of vital energy, it helps to relax the physical, spiritual and mental level.
The practice helps to meet face-to-face with his complexes, fears, experiences, to understand them and to defeat them.

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Who can practice Satyananda Yoga : Bihar School of Yoga is suitable for people who are immersed in the culture and philosophy of the Indian yogi.Ona it offers to be “a monk in the world,” that is, to live the life of a sannyasin without renouncing society.

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