The book Man in search of meaning

book Man's Search for Meaning.

book Man’s Search for Meaning. Viktor Frankl. Editorial Herder

I confess that the discovery of the book Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, meant for me a real inner revolution and reading was a good “stripping” of conscience to place myself as an observer to a reality that at that time, when the book fell in my hands, I weighed on me like a slab.

In the book Man’s Search for Meaning, I was impressed as this psychiatrist, their patients, to their grievances and sufferings, were asked directly “why do not you suicidal ?, because of his answers, he could find the thread skein with their patients to take the situation in which they found themselves.

Discover the life that psychiatrist and writer took his back, was the best antidote to leave, in my case, to complain against a situation that to me might seem a world, but it actually was, like many of the complaints We maintain, simple “weeping” of excess.

In the book, the author tells in detail and crudeness and a “poetic” fine the moment his radical experience that led him to discover the “logotherapy” from the experience of feeling completely naked as a person, by his experience as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp.

It is a clear example of how someone who has gone through the toughest penalties and he has seen in his own eyes the raw barbarity, you can discover how teaching worthwhile to live.

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As for the “logotherapy” says Frankl that “one of the axioms maintains that the primary concern of man is not enjoying the pleasure or avoid pain, but looking for a meaning to life” and is “love alone way to arrive at the depths of the personality of a man “

As the author at the beginning of the book, “My intention is to describe, from my experience and perspective psychiatrist, how normal life prisoner lived in the countryside life and how that affected their psychology.”

All to end up with a more positive view especially because “What we really need is a radical change in our attitude towards life”, “does not really matter not to expect anything from life, but life expect some US. Let’s ask ourselves about the meaning of life and, instead, think of what existence continuously and incessantly calls us “.

A book Man’s Search for Meaning, essential in the field of personal development that I invite you to read, pen and highlighter in hand. It will not disappoint.


Man's Search for Meaning


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