How to meditate: Recommended positions.

How to meditate: Recommended positions. 3

This article was published by Martin Laplace Writers Program Member Silva Method Life

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The wonderful thing about meditation is that it is very personal , then the like will vary from insurance practice, the great masters explain that the best way to meditate is in the lotus position, why is that keeping the spine straight there is a greater flow in the kundalini energy, which runs through our spine.

Another of the most common positions is lying, the problem of falling asleep is the same as the meditation, it means to be conscious alpha waves, can cause us to be asleep and that’s not meditate.

What the Silva Method tells us How to Meditate

In the Silva Method, we learn to meditate sitting, if possible not in extreme comfort, so we can meditate anytime, anywhere in the daily traffic of our home to work, when we sat on the bus, on our rest at lunchtime, or sitting under a beautiful tall tree with birds singing in the distance, on a beautiful afternoon, where the breeze is perfect … depends on how long we have to do, because as we said before meditating and is a need.

So the ideal would meditate sitting, being aware of our breathing and noise around, allowing them, relax us even more, once you we learned to be aware of our breathing, what we’ll do is start down counts, 50 to 1, the numbers we do not generate any emotional connotation, and to make downstream has an end, we programmed our brains so that when you reach number 1, more alpha waves and increased generation of endorphins occur.

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The most beautiful of entering the inner world is ours, and we can use and modify at will in order to achieve the objectives we have in mind, and why not be the best version of ourselves, with a large system beliefs that underpin what we really want to be, where there are long – awaited answers … you’ll know when you close your eyes and connect with your best friend .. yOUR

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