Do this for you today

Do this for you today 3


Sometimes changing the state of our mind and our thoughts can be achieved in seconds.

If you can only do one thing for you today, do this:
Think about what makes you happy and celebrate.

I love this video not only because the song makes you move but by its letter (below you the copy).

The idea is to celebrate and honor our happiness.

So today set a goal to find something (does not have to be very large) that makes you happy, acknowledge and celebrate.

Do it and see how you feel (I’m sure very good)

And if nothing, at least I hope this song can get you a smile ????



I can I look crazy for what I’m about to say, darling she’s here, you can take a break.
I am a hot air balloon that could go into space with the air, as if I did not care, though.

Because I’m happy, see if you feel like a room without ceiling
because I’m happy, clap if you feel that happiness is the truth
because I’m happy, clap if you know what happiness is for you
because I’m happy, clap if you feel that is what you want to do

Here come the bad news, talking about this and that.
Well, give me everything you have and do not hold back .
Well, you should probably just warn you, I’ll be fine.
No offense, do not waste time, here’s why:

See also  Relaxation exercises

-Feliz- sink, nothing can (bring down)
-feliz- sink.
My levels are too high -feliz- to sink.
I said that nothing can sink -feliz-.
-Feliz- sink, nothing you can do,
-feliz- sink.
My levels are too high -feliz- to sink. I said that nothing can sink.

Because I’m happy, see if you feel like a room without ceiling
because I’m happy, clap if you feel that happiness is the truth
because I’m happy, clap if you know what happiness is for you
because I’m happy, clap if you feel that is what you want to do