Almost every person falls into stressful situations, which negatively affect his health. In addition, working moments, domestic cares, as well as the constant emotional stress and fatigue accumulated for the whole day, can become the causes of physical weakness and nervous exhaustion. If a long time to be in a state of stress, there may be complications in the form of depression.

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Dushka Zapata: How do you manage stress besides doing yoga and meditation? 6


It is characterized by a lack of interest in everything that is happening and in life as a whole. Many treatments for depression are carried out with the help of medications. But this condition can be avoided if every day a little attention to yourself. The result of taking care of one’s health is a fresh head and strong health instead of confused thoughts and “squeezed out like a lemon” organism. How to relieve fatigue and relax? Is yoga effective against nerves and stress?

How does yoga affect the mental state

In fact, only negative stress (distress) is harmful. He can seriously affect the physical and mental state of a person. The results of studies conducted to study how yoga helps stress and depression have shown an increase in the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). High concentration of this indicator causes a decrease in the excitability of neurons, thus having a calming effect on the nervous system. This fact proves that doing yoga helps to relieve stress.

Achievement of the result is possible only if the yoga classes bring joy and pleasure. One technique of performing asana yoga from depression is not enough. If a person treats this practice as an ordinary complex of physical exercises, then yoga against depression, as a method of treatment, will be ineffective.

Yoga to relieve stress and tension includes asanas and active meditation techniques. People who practice these techniques are less prone to bouts of anger and anxiety. Anyone who does not want a depressed state to darken life, you need to learn to relax and control your emotions. This will help yoga to relieve fatigue and stress.

Does yoga help against depression?

Kundalini-yoga helps to get out of stress. Nature laid that the human body can independently fight disease. But stress creates interference: they do not allow a person to heal without using additional funds. Yoga classes for relaxation and stress relief can “free” the brain from an endless stream of thoughts, relieve physical tension and fatigue. Even as a result of one training a person feels relaxed and improved mental state. And regular classes will help not only to relieve fatigue and stress at the end of the working day, but also to get out of depression.

Yoga classes in addition to performing exercises include meditation. This practice is designed to make people turn to their inner world. Harmony with yourself helps to build random thoughts and discard all unnecessary, thereby relieving stress and fatigue. The practice of concentration techniques helps to relieve tension and anxiety. If you regularly meditate for 15 to 30 minutes, there is a decrease in glucocorticoids responsible for the reaction to stress and excitation of the central nervous system.

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To relieve stress and relaxation, it is necessary that meditations take place in a solitary and quiet environment: no one and nothing should interfere. You can meditate in a group with other meditating people. When performing this technique, it is necessary to sit comfortably and relax, you can turn on a soothing melody.

You can meditate in the lotus position, sitting on a chair or lying on a rug with slightly arms and legs slightly apart, to whom it is convenient. Breathing should be calm and slow, breathing deeply and exhaling. To “stop running of thoughts in the head” it is recommended to count the breaths from 1 to 10 within a couple of minutes. Thanks to daily meditations, the emotional state of a person is normalized, and “immunity” is developed to stress.

Complex of exercises

Performing some simple yoga exercises from stress will help any person to relax, and also relieve nervous tension and fatigue. Clothes for classes – free cut, hair must be collected. All yoga asanas are performed on a hard surface and at a slow pace, sudden movements are unacceptable, for convenience, you can use a rug.

Yoga postures from depression

Yoga postures from depression

  1. Pose of a butterfly. Bracing the buttocks on the floor, the feet should be brought closer to yourself, it is desirable that the soles of the feet are connected. The back should be straight. Further elbows need to rest on their knees, pressing them to the floor. The abdomen and feet should touch each other. In this position, you need to take 5 to 10 breaths and return to the starting position.
  2. Asana “Butterfly” (second option). Take a supine position (with your back to the floor), put your feet together and push them towards you, your hands should be on your knees with the back side down. The length of stay in this position is more than 5 minutes. The brain in the performance of the yoga exercise must be switched off.
  3. Pose with your feet up. Near the wall you need to lie on your back, put a folded blanket or special roller under your waist. The head from the floor should not be torn off, and the legs should be raised up and propped against the wall. The resulting angle must be straight. The length of stay in this position is about 5 – 10 minutes. Doing this yoga exercise before bedtime promotes good rest, lessening headaches and tranquility.
  4. Satisfied child. Starting position: lie on your back, knees close to your chest, hands to hold onto your feet. Do not tear the pelvis off the floor, the knees need to reach for the armpits. After making about 5 – 10 breaths, you can go to the next pose. This yoga exercise is useful for relieving stress, it also helps to relax, relieve fatigue and improve mood.
  5. Slopes forward. Standing straight, and without bending the knees, you need to tilt forward. In this position, you need to relax and make 5 – 10 slow and deep breaths, then return to the starting position.
  6. Asana “Cobra”. From the initial position, lying on the stomach, the palms are at shoulder level, you need to lift the chest and make a deflection. At the same time, the head should be thrown back, and the gaze rises slightly upward. The pelvis should touch the floor all the time. After a few breaths, return to the starting position.
  7. Pose of the child. It has a calming effect on the nerves, relieves stress and accumulated fatigue. The head stops aching, and the mind enlightens. To take asana, you need, sitting on your knees, to surrender all the upper body forward and down. Hands can be pulled along the body or in front of the head. Being in this position, about 5 – 10 minutes it is desirable not to think about anything. You need to relax and breathe slowly.

Pose, when a person simply lies on his stomach, is very useful for relieving nervous tension, stress and anxiety. A person who has adopted the position of a child is easier to look into his inner “contents” and be alone with himself. At that moment, there is no pressure from the outside world. Mental activity slows down, thoughts are harmoniously aligned, thereby contributing to enlightenment and comfort.

  1. Asana “The Tree”. Having mastered this pose, a novice yogiist will be able to perform more complex yoga exercises from depression. To maintain balance without a mental presence in the class is impossible. This asana yoga will not allow the mind to solve other issues during training. Balance asanas will help a person to feel their body and teach them to monitor breathing. Standing straight, with a foot of one foot you need to rest on the hip of the other, and put the palms together over your head.
  2. Half the pose of the moon. This asana yoga helps develop the ability to consciously make decisions, without unnecessary emotions and confusions. One hand should lean on the stand (ideally on the floor), located on the side, and raise the leg on the other side so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed, can be higher. Replace the inner surface of the upper thigh.

With injuries to the back, legs and shoulders, practicing this asana yoga is contraindicated. The beginner should master this exercise gradually: at first it should be performed near the wall and with the help of blocks, gradually reducing their height.

  1. Asana “Eagle”. Caring about how to maintain balance when performing this asana yoga leads to the fact that the person does not have other thoughts in his head. Therefore, performing the exercise, the yogi focuses only on the sensations of his body. At that moment, all problems are forgotten, which helps to relieve stress.
  2. Rack on the shoulders with support. To relieve stress and get rid of feelings of anxiety, the inverted position of the body, being unaccustomed to the usual condition, is excellent for this.
  3. Pose of fish. Its implementation brings a person relaxation and eliminates anxiety and stress. In addition, the muscles of the back and shoulder joints are trained. To take a pose, you need to lie with your back on the floor and lift your chest. The head should remain in place, legs straight.
  4. Rack on the head. In the inverted position of the body, the inflow of blood to the upper body increases. In addition, the retention of the balance is possible only if the person concentrates on the sensations of his body at the time of taking the pose. Beginners this asana yoga can be performed near the wall.

To relax, relieve fatigue and stress yoga is useful. With the regular implementation of these exercises, the body will become more resistant to negative effects. Anxiety, nervous tension will remain in the past, and stress and depression will no longer deplete the body.