Felix tells us how Yoga came into His life – MindYoga4U

A true story … Want to share yours? Send me an email to [email protected], with a photo if you want to publish on the blog. Share your way can give forces others to take that step missing. Your life is inspiring. Share it!

yogaesmas share your way

Greetings naylin,

First of all I wanted to
thank you for what you have learned with your help and the great affection you share what you know with so many people do not even know, but with your great conviction are making positive changes in their lives and I think it is your great satisfaction. I wanted to share with you as much as possible summarized as I started yoga, I think it can serve other …

In my childhood, my adolescence and early adulthood, I practiced many sports and was very active, but after starting my university studies largely lowered physical activity and then graduate and professional responsibility, was almost nil. This will never give importance until and with senior management roles began to have problems with anxiety, stress, tachycardia, tightness .. etc. I visited several specialists and in addition to medical treatment advised all physical activity. Well, I thought that it would have no problem since I had knowledge of how ejercitarme. I started with what I liked: lifting weights. This really exercises despite being directed by instructors did not help me at all. Insomniac after training, continued with sudden blood pressure problems, etc. That affected me sociologically thinking that he could no longer do the activity that I liked, but hey towards improving my health I changed the moderate aerobic (running, martial arts, basketball, football) but still remained and even worsened my problems of health. The cardiologist advised me to walk an hour a day or swimming and finally YOGA. As I swam and did not get better, I walked and neither were many changes. It was really frustrating, and when all that was left was me practicing yoga I felt frustrated that even in my ignorance was considered a sport for elderly or people with severe health problems. But hey, I had no other to buy a yoga video Yolanda Pettinato and begin to turn more about yoga and practice.

Already in the first month of practice I began to notice significant changes in my health. I got better sleep, problems of spinal pain was reduced and partly learned to control stress with breathing. After six months I started practicing some aerobics before my yoga practice and I was in excellent condition and gradually I could start performing all physical activities previously had been unable, to lift weights again. But I keep my daily yoga practice happened to be my favorite and seek knowledge in this art that has allowed me to meet people like you. With great spirituality who want to share their knowledge with all. Do not give up … Namaste


Go for it, also share your way!

pd: this image was not sent Felix, it is downloaded from this link.

See also  Ashtanga Vinjaya yoga