Free online mindfulness course. Practice here and now

Mindfulness free online course.  Practice here and now

If you are looking for a free online course mindfulness, you’ve come to the right place. Today you can start with two proposals that I want to make from Plenacción.


Online course free to practice mindfulness Mindfulness where you want.


When start the practice of mindfulness or mindfulness, is very good too aware of what it is that mindfulness or mindfulness really and not fall so in fashion McMindfulness but be aware that what you want to practice it is really mindfulness.

In this regard, you can consult this text from the link to establish the difference between true sense of mindfulness and McMindfulness drift.

Having said that and knowing that the practice of mindfulness is a work of perseverance you can do if you really put your mind seriously, I want from Plenacción as consulting for personal and professional development based on mindfulness, offer the possibility of carrying out a mindfulness online course for free, thus, may have good contact with the practice of mindfulness or take a step in your personal commitment to these best practices.

To start and if you’re not a subscriber or underwriter Plenacción, let me invite it.

It is very easy because you only have to enter the link I put you below and enter your name (no last name) and your e-mail or mail and then follow the signs (go to your inbox, open the confirmation email and confirm).

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Mindfulness course online for free

A simple directions after a welcome site from which you can view a half-hour Master Class on what it is that mindfulness and how I understand work with Precept antención from Plenacción will open.

In the event that no page is open or closed you have inadvertently, you just have to write the email [email protected] to send a link to your email.

This is the first way in which you’re starting to do online mindfulness course one week free new-a subscriber-a Plenacción.

For 7 days you can view three videos of about 30 minutes each and will also receive an internship for you to do, in addition to the link for you to download a book on mindfulness or full, free care.

The second way to make a free online mindfulness course, is contained in the book “Life mindfulness” you can find on Amazon.

Anyway, you can get more information about the book and buy it from this address where you can download the introduction in pdf format. from the link I put below.


As you can see, these are two good ways to prove what is that mindfulness or mindfulness and mindfulness make a free online course here and now.

I hope that these proposals do you are to your liking and I will, of course , be happy to welcome you in Plenacció and offer assistance as a consultant in personal and professional development based on mindfulness.

As noted by Mark Williams and Danny Penman in his book “Mindfulness. Practical guide to finding peace in a hectic world “and whose definition is a story of how I understand the practice of mindfulness, mindfulness about ” cultivation is a process that develops and deepens over time. It is more beneficial if adopted with a strong commitment, with constancy and discilplina, but let the playful and contributing at all times, to the best of our possibilities, a touch of nonchalance and lightness, a gesture of kindness and compassion to one same. That lightness, accompanied by a continuous and sincere commitment, is one of the characteristics of the theory and practice of mindfulness in its various forms. “

In short, daring to take the step of making a mindfulness course online free, is proceeding to enter a universe path to serenity and commitment to yourself to know that, whatever happens, all you have certain is that dwell in the present instant; therein lies just everything.

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I invite you to discover it.

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