A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Harmony of body and soul

Choosing a specific class sport, we believe that for us is the most important in training.
For some, it will build muscle mass, for others – a reduction in weight or cardio. A special place is
yoga because yoga practice – it is not a sport, but mostly it is the path to finding inner peace. It is aimed at complex asanas, breathing techniques, meditation. Eventually, the body begins to respond to internal changes and, in turn, becomes beautiful and fit.

Of course, for any woman is not a secret that an important component of inner harmony is the love of his own image and the body as a whole.
Codnoy hand, yoga teaches us to love and accept your body here and now, on the other hand, sometimes it should make every effort to ensure that your body like you.

His, and not a small role in this play clothes – it is an extension of ourselves and our world view broadcasts, but at the same time with the help of our way of getting close, we are committed to their own idea of ​​the perfect form.
Oddly enough, but during that time the practice of yoga is important – that what we wear, our attitude to what is happening, and motivates us to work on yourself. Yoga requires the minimum fitness level, but it should be as convenient, namely, supple and comfortable. At the same time engaged in the usual loose cotton t-shirt and shorts will not be very convenient – they will crawl and bully are more likely in the most unwanted time, distracting from the workout. The most comfortable option – a comfortable, supporting the breast or top fitting T-shirt with chest support and women’s athletic tights Puma. In these clothes you will focus on the performance of asanas and breathwork. In addition, the instructor will see how accurately you perform yoga poses: every curve of your body will be clearly visible. Choose a bright and beautiful clothes for sports – and any training you will be a joy, and therefore will bring you closer to the harmony of body and soul.

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