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How has yoga improved people’s lives?

How has yoga improved people's lives? 3

Yoga can improve the quality of life of people with asthma

For people with asthma, yoga can improve symptoms and quality of life. Yoga is a popular practice that includes a combination of physical poses, breathing exercises and meditation or relaxation. Yoga helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression and blood pressure, and also reduces back pain and improves overall physical fitness. The results of the study are published in the scientific journal The Cochrane Library .

While some studies have shown that yoga can benefit people with asthma, other studies believe that yoga has its limitations.

How has yoga improved people's lives? 4


To gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of yoga for people with asthma, Dr. Young et al. Conducted a systematic review of 15 randomized trials involving 1,048 people, most of whom had asthma.

Ten studies evaluated yoga, which included poses, breathing and meditation, while five studies studied yoga, which focused exclusively on breathing. Most participants continued to use asthma medicines during periods of exercise that ranged from 2 weeks to 4 years.

Researchers have identified some moderate evidence that yoga reduces some of the symptoms in people with asthma and improves their quality of life. However, scientists have not been able to find enough evidence that yoga improves lung function. In addition, the researchers were not able to determine whether yoga classes can reduce the need for medication and whether yoga can lead to any side effects.

At present, there is insufficient evidence that yoga can help asthma patients. Since there is uncertainty about the effects of yoga on lung function, it is very important that people with asthma continue to take medication.

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How yoga transforms your body from day to day …

The practice of yoga in the West has become a symbol of inner peace, serenity and well-being. More than 20 million Americans have started in France, there would be more than 3 million followers .

This activity is often cited as an example of its propensity to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. The scientific research on the benefits of yoga is still in its infancy but here is a summary in an infographic, the potential effects of this discipline on the body and mind.

After class

Enhanced brain functions

Only 20 minutes of hatha yoga – an old form of this discipline that focuses on physical postures can improve cognitive functions, improve concentration and memory. According to a study from the University of Illinois , participants did much better intellectual tests after a yoga class compared to the same tests done after 20 minutes of aerobic exercise.

Lower stress levels

The power of yoga over stress could come from its ability to mitigate the activity of proteins known to play a role in inflammation, according to a study published in 2014 by researchers at the University of California .

Altered gene expression

According to a Norwegian study , yoga could change the way genes express themselves in immune cells.

Improve flexibility

According to a study from the University of Colorado , Bikram yoga – a form of yoga that consists of 26 sessions of 90 minutes in a heated room – is linked to greater flexibility of the shoulders, lower back and lower back. upper thighs.

After a few months

Decreased blood pressure

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People with hypertension can see their condition improve through yoga according to the University of Pennsylvania study .

Improved lung capacity

According to a study published in 2000 by the University of Ball , the practice of hatha yoga for 15 weeks could significantly improve their lung capacity (the maximum amount of air expired after a great inhalation).

Improved sexual life

A study published by Harvard University in the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that practicing yoga can improve arousal, desire, orgasm in women. Yoga also allows women to improve their sex lives by improving their body knowledge according to a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy .

Reduction of chronic neck pain

A German study published in the Journal of Pain showed that a four-week Iyengar yoga practice is effective at reducing the intensity of pain in adults who suffer from chronic neck pain.

Relief of anxiety

A Boston University study published in 2010 showed that 12 weeks of yoga could help reduce anxiety and increase gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels in the brain. Too low levels of GABA are linked to depression and anxiety disorders.

Relief of chronic back pain

Researchers at West Virginia University have shown that Iyengar yoga is more effective at reducing pain and improving mood than standard treatments for chronic back pain.

Decreased blood sugar levels in diabetics

Yoga, in addition to proper treatment, can help lower blood sugar levels, according to a study by the Diabetes Care Association published in 2011. According to Reuters , three months of yoga and treatment can help less stabilize the blood sugar level.

Improved balance

For women over 65 years, the practice of yoga iyengar allows to have a better balance according to a study published in 2008 by the University of Temple.

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After years

Stronger bones

A pilot study conducted in 2009 by Dr. Loren Fishman showed that practicing yoga can improve the strength of adult bones. “We did a bone density scan, and then we asked half of the participants to go to yoga for two years. Finally, we did a new scanner, ” explains Loren Fishman to our American colleagues at the Huffington Post . “And not only have these people not seen their bone density decrease, but it has even increased, unlike the other group. ”

A weight of form

Researchers at the Seattle Cancer Center found a link between yoga practice and weight loss – or at least balance weight among the 15,000 adults who participated in the study.

Lower risk of developing heart risk

Yoga in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle could lower cardiovascular risk factors like blood pressure and cholesterol, according to a Harvard publication.

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