How to avoid anxiety

How to avoid anxiety 3

how to avoid anxiety

Did you ever think you live in a state of constant and persistent concern occurred, with restlessness, muscle tension, fatigue, trouble relax, irritability and difficulty concentrating and sleeping?

If you feel in a state of permanent alert, you make catastrophic interpretations about what can happen to you or think you live threatened by a danger when in reality there is nothing to fear you’re probably suffering from anxiety .

The first thing you have to know about it is that anxiety is a symptom of something that can become a serious emotional conflict caused by how we relate to ourselves or with others … That is, by how it is structured our personality.

But fortunately that can stay there and you can recover the well-being, happiness and quality of life that allow you to live better.

And for that you need to know how to avoid anxiety.

How to avoid anxiety: anxiety symptoms

Did you know that there are over 10 types of anxiety and more than 40 symptoms that detected?

In addition, any circumstance can create you anxiety if you think poses a danger to you.

All that you speak in more detail in the article published a few weeks ago: “How to ward off anxiety forever and live better” .

We recommend that if you want to know more about the causes and symptoms of anxiety read our article before proceeding.

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First of all you should know that we all have anxiety; and through it we can give the right answer to personal and work situations.

Anxiety itself is not negative, but a state of activation that allows us to face a job interview, public speaking, performing a task …

Basically, it is a universal, common and necessary for the survival response.

The problem arises when this state of anxiety continues over time and suffering to the person and produce feelings of breathlessness, lack of concentration, tremor, dizziness or other symptoms that you talked about in the previous article.

How to avoid anxiety

There are many ways to avoid anxiety.

When that happens automatically start living better, without constant worries without that tension in the neck, no shortness of breath, without the “fear of fear”, without dizziness or palpitations, without constantly thinking about a gray future without attacks panic.

One is to practice relaxation and meditation; that help ward off both stress and anxiety itself.

Many people automatically skip everything that has to do with meditation, but the truth is that it is scientifically proven that relaxes the body and mind and thus helps prevent anxiety.

This is just one of the many benefits that can be achieved by implementing the Silva Method Life.

You can not only learn how to relax and meditate, but goes much further and teaches you how to use the potential of your mind to improve all areas of your life: from ward off bad habits to avoid stress and even develop your intuition, wake when you want without using an alarm clock or wake up your creativity to know the purpose of your life.

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In addition, there are many different exercises and techniques that will help you ward off anxiety without you seem repetitive, too difficult or just plain boring.

Here we share an exercise that will help you know how to avoid anxiety.

Its effects are almost immediate, so when you finish doing and you should start to see the first benefits.

Of course, once you are not going to do all the work: the key is consistency.

If you can ward off constant anxiety, and you begin to do so we encourage you to practice these 3 steps and tell us how it went.

Avoiding anxiety in 3 steps

1 location.

Many people believe that to meditate you have to find a special place, isolated from the world and practice for hours. And that, of course, is not.
To begin meditating to ward off anxiety first thing you need to know is that anyone, regardless of your starting point, you can achieve it .

You just need to find a place where you can be comfortable, quiet and without anyone interrupting you during the next few minutes.

That can make the living room, your room and even a nearby park or garden.

If you have the opportunity to be close to a natural, best scenery; because that certainly will fill harmonic energy.

2) focused thought.

Put yourself in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply three times while you notice how your muscles are relaxed and then start choosing thoughts about yourself and life that will generate peace and confidence.

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Then try to focus on those thoughts and visualize them as long as possible.

For example: visualize yourself surrounded by love, friends, people who love you and support you … Visualize yourself confidently doing something you like or something that represents you solving a problem.

You have to concentrate on those thoughts until you can get you emotionally into them … That is, until you can feel what you think.

3) Duration.

Try to keep those thoughts as long as possible; between 15 and 30 minutes it is ideal.

But besides that, I am constant and begins to spend a few minutes every day to your well-being and feel even better.

You need to go meditate in addition to realizing a broader way of seeing life, because anxiety is caused by mistrust and fear, or deep insecurity in yourself.

Many people treat anxiety as a problem and consequently act upon it by placing “patches” that the curb … But as you know, a patch is a partial solution that does not eliminate the problem but simply hidden.

The best thing to know how to avoid anxiety is to act on the causes that cause. When that happens, simply you stop having anxiety.

The first step is to identify situations that cause you anxiety …

Which are? Why do you often suffer from anxiety?