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What yoga practices can help me get rid of gastric hyperacidity?

What yoga practices can help me get rid of gastric hyperacidity? 5

Yoga And Gastric Reflux

If you have ever suffered an acid reflux attack, you are already aware of how horrible it is to feel that burning pain of the acid that rises up the esophagus and reaches your mouth. The burning sensation in the chest, nausea and an acidic taste make us look for quick solutions, like pills that alleviate the symptoms but not the cause. Heartburn creates restlessness and an extreme burning sensation, where even water can not come to your rescue. But the good news is that yoga can help you deal with that. Today in this article I want to share with you the Yoga postures that will help you relieve gastric reflux, and those that you should avoid.

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What yoga practices can help me get rid of gastric hyperacidity? 6


Always remember to go to your doctor to ensure that the exercises are the corrects for your particular pathology and help with a balanced diet, avoiding spicy, very sweet or very fatty foods and tobacco. 

So, what exactly happens when the acidity appears? Keep reading to know.

What is acid reflux?

What yoga practices can help me get rid of gastric hyperacidity? 7

Heartburn is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In this condition, the acid in the stomach enters the esophagus. This happens when there is a malfunction in the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus. In the most extreme cases it can occur as a symptom of a hiatus hernia, which can appear after a pregnancy, due to obesity or a lack of tone in the deep musculature of the abdomen. The result: you will feel a burning sensation in the chest and throat. Heartburn is often triggered by high-fat foods. Citrus foods, chocolate, spices, caffeine and alcohol also cause acid reflux.This feeling is extremely uncomfortable and can give sleepless nights to some.

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How does Yoga help?

The regular practice of yoga strengthens the digestive system and ensures the proper functioning of all organs. It also improves the circulation of blood in the area, which means fresh oxygen and better absorption of nutrients.

Yoga is an ancient practice that produces a sense of balance and helps strengthen and tone muscles, while at the same time relieving tension and stress. Some yoga poses do a fabulous job of gently massaging the abdominal organs to stimulate the digestive system and also improve blood flow. Regularly practicing these yoga postures strengthens the digestive system and improved blood circulation increases oxygen supply and better nutrient absorption. Yoga, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle modifications, is effective in keeping gastric reflux at bay.

Studies show the efficacy of yoga as an acid reflux treatment

Studies have shown that patients with acid reflux identify stress as a major contributor to their reflux symptoms. According to a study published in the International Journal of Yoga, practicing yoga, when combined with medications for acid reflux, is useful for controlling and / or relieving symptoms related to digestive diseases, such as reflux acid. The study explored the relationship between yoga and stress and discovered that yoga works wonders because it can help reduce the body’s stress response. Physiological changes in this relaxation response include simultaneous decrease in heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate.All these changes are signs of reduced physiological stress.


According to the yoga teacher and Yoga Journal collaborator Barbara Kaplan Herring, certain postures can help us relieve the symptoms of gastric reflux while others may accentuate it. That is why, according to Kaplan, that we must be careful with the inverted complete postures like sarvangasana (the candle) or sirsasana (posture on the head) that can cause sensations of vomiting and headaches. The bending postures that compress the abdominal region, such as paschimottanasana, although they are beneficial to stimulate the digestive organs, individuals suffering from this disease should avoid them. Finally, a physically strenuous practice that can increase the burning and pressure symptoms in the pit of the stomach is not recommended. Apart from avoiding these postures, remember:

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  • Do not go to bed right after dinner
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing in the abdominal area
  • Avoid overeating and / or very fast
  • Avoid overweight

7 Yoga poses for acid reflux

Yoga relieves the symptoms of stress and certain postures are especially useful for acid reflux. Yoga for acid reflux focuses on relieving tension in the neck, spine and decompressing the abdomen and relaxing the diaphragm. These soft postures work on the muscles of the abdomen to increase blood flow and aid in digestion. The yoga postures that benefit people diagnosed with a hiatus hernia or digestion problems are those related to Manipura, the third chakra.

  1. Marjariasana – Cat posture
  2. Tadasana – Po stura de la Montana
  3. Virabhadrasana II – Posture of the Warrior II
  4. Uttita Trikonasan
  5. ostura del Triangle
  6. Purvottanasa – Front Stretch Posture
  7. Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half Torsion Posture
  8. Supta Badhakonasana – Zapatero’s posture

 1. Marjariasana / Bitilasana

  Cat / cow pose

This asana is always done in combination with Bitilasana (pose of the cow). They work in the nucleus and also benefit the spine and abdomen. Practicing this asana improves blood circulation and massages the digestive organs if coordinated with inhalation and exhalation. This will give you an instant relief of the acidity.

2. Tadasana

Mountain Posture

Stand up, with your feet together. Focus on lengthening the inhale column and exhaling deeply into the abdomen bringing the navel slightly upwards. Energetically repress visualizing your abdomen as its a hollow tunnel. This posture gently strengthens your deep abdominal and pelvic muscles as well as relaxing the diaphragm and body tension.

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3. Virabhadrasana II

Warrior II is a powerful yoga pose for the relief of acid reflux. Strengthens the digestive system and relieves acidity. It also ensures the proper functioning of all organs and cures other problems related to the stomach.

 4 . Uttita Trikonasana

Extended Triangle Posture

This asana is always done in combination with Bitilasana (pose of the cow). They work in the nucleus and also benefit the spine and abdomen. Practicing this asana improves blood circulation and massages the digestive organs if coordinated with inhalation and exhalation. This will give you an instant relief of the acidity.

 5 . Purvottanasana

Posture of the Great East Stretch.

This asana is always done in combination with Bitilasana (pose of the cow). They work in the nucleus and also benefit the spine and abdomen. Practicing this asana improves blood circulation and massages the digestive organs if coordinated with inhalation and exhalation. This will give you an instant relief of the acidity.

. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Torsion Posture

Benefit: a turnaround is the best detoxification you can give your system. Eliminates toxins and increases blood circulation. This, in turn, oxygenates your digestive system and reduces acidity. In general, all torsion postures correctly performed directly in the digestive system by helping to stimulate and detoxify our organs.

 7 . Supta Bhadakonasana

Zapatero’s posture
It helps us to open and relax the diaphragm area. Through breathing it stimulates the abdominal organs such as the bladder, the kidneys, the ovaries and the prostate glands. Relieves the symptoms of stress and mild depression, anxiety, panic attacks, premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

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