The new path of shamanism the shamanic renaissance

Shamanism.  The new path of shamanic rebirth.

A classic shamanism in a new revised edition. A world for those who wish to deepen and integrate an ancient wisdom in everyday life.


The path of the shaman” Michael Harner Editorial Kairos


Shamanism, in my case, the only contact he’d had so far had been through the work of Carlos Castaneda in the readings of “a separate reality”, “Journey to Ixtlan” and, of course , “The Teachings of Don Juan “ .

Also I inquired in the work of Stanislav Grof with “The stormy pursuit of being” and “The healing power of crises” and I had a profound experience at a session of holotropic breathing.

I confess that, for now, I have not dared more but has always attracted me a deep interest, the “mystery” in the encounter with our spiritual side.

And that line the encounter with shamanism, I came “The path of the shaman” Michael Harner I recommend to have a meeting with millenarian techniques and exercises that come from the experience of indigenous communities in North and South America.

The book is an interesting reflection and explanation of these techniques so that from the exercise and experimentation, you can integrate them into everyday life.

In this new shamanic renaissance being experienced for some years, Harner’s book can serve to provide a good introduction to the world of shamanism.

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In the radical materialism in which we live normally, produces an intense interest in reading works like this where you connect with the magic of the universal and go beyond what we normally see, we feel and live.

Intellectual curiosity and also, why not a curiosity to experiment with the limitation of the known.

Shamans, shamanism, healers, sorcerers … many names have had and still have, but as Harner says: “Shamanism is a great mental and emotional affair, in which patient and shaman participate in equal measure”.

Very interesting book on shamanism to discover you an experience, ideas, exercises and practices that are also extremely useful for our personal development.

New avenues of knowledge on that side of spirituality so necessary today. Essential book of modern shamanism.


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