Mind Control: 3 Steps to Overcome the bad habit of Postponing

Mental control: 3 steps to overcome the bad habit of postponing 3

Mind Control and Procrastination

Do you have the habit of leaving things to the last minute?

Are you defer tasks that require your attention because you generate anxiety or a commitment that you think you can not afford?

It is not called laziness or lack of time or lack of motivation.

Its technical name is ” Procrastination , ” you talk about it and its terrible consequences a few days ago (go here to read the article) and in recent years has gained worldwide reputation as “the great epidemic of the century” and ” the thief of time “par excellence .

It is estimated in the United States 25% of daylight hours are lost for this reason , and 9 out of 10 people around the world have the unhealthy habit of going deferring important tasks and activities for later ; an eternal later that never comes to become present. And if it does, it is to carry us anxiety, frustration and stress.

Here’s how to end it.

Mind Control: 3 ingredients to stop putting

Whether you want to find love, regain energy, have a better job or losing weight … There are 3 ingredients for the recipe for a lifetime of well-being that are applicable in all cases and will help you have a much happier life and away from procrastination. Are these:

Ingredient 1: Visualize your ideal day wake nothing

With your tasks passed as sport: you have to prepare before.

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How? Doing warm-up exercises and preparation will help you concentrate better, increase your intensity and achieve better results.

One of the most powerful, effective and useful tools for this is the creative visualization (in this article you can learn why it is so important and how).

Ideally, you take a few minutes to visualize just start your day.

Put yourself in a comfortable place, close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

Then think with great detail all you have to do (or should do) during the day and how you like to see happen.

Enraptured in sensations, experiences, sounds, moods, smells … When it is more real, much better.

Then review your list of goals and focus on them.

And if you’re afraid to take action remind yourself that sometimes you win and others learn .

If your mind what you want to achieve and you take a few minutes to mentally review your day and create in advance the results will surprise you.

In the Audio Course Silva Method is a specific module (module 5) dedicated to how to become a genius visualization with various techniques and unique tools as the technique of the three fingers or mental screen to designing your life as and how you want it and make your everyday life where you always wanted to be.

Ingredient 2: Divide and multiply your results

Many people who suffer the consequences of procrastinating tend to leave everything to “later” or “when time” either because they believe they too big, because they produce anxiety or because they find it a tedious task that believe not they may end.

There is something very effective that: divides tasks into small pieces and start slowly .

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It’s simple and it’s actually something that background we all know, but very few people apply.

So starting today, when you want to get to do this activity simply starts and moves even a little.

The best way to remove a negative habit is to replace it with little habits that make you good , and to begin such spending half an hour each day to the task is a breakthrough.

This is a very long talk in writing subject, but in module 8 of the Silva Method Audio Course We teach you how to control your habits: techniques to control, interrupt patterns, exercises and activation mechanism (you can read more here).

The idea is that after displaying your ideal day you take a few minutes to set the time you’ll spend your tasks … and fulfill it!

The first day will cost you a bit but you will see that the more consistent’re better results you will have.

Ingredient 3: Learn to make better decisions

The indecision and fear of making decisions is also one of the reasons that force you to leave everything for later.

If you’re afraid to make decisions or you lose thinking about what is the best way of doing things follow these two tips:

* Do not trust the past.

Most of the time we avoid doing something new because in the past we made a mistake or suffered some disappointment and we want to avoid that feeling again.

Before making a decision , ask yourself: What’s the worst that could happen?

You will realize that your fears are only in your head.

*Be optimistic.

There are only two ways of seeing life: glass half full mentality and the mentality of the glass half empty.

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99% of the things which you never got to really spend worrying … Is not this proof that your thoughts can confuse you?

Think positive, confident, have faith and Set aside a few minutes to meditate.

If you want to learn how to make better decisions and make sure you’re not mistaking just have to listen to that “unerring compass” we call intuition and aims to bring your life to the next level by helping to identify opportunities.

In module 6 of the Silva Method program we tell you how to make the best decisions with increased intuition and thus ward off the bad habit forever postponed by powerful techniques and mental exercises.

Before deciding what to do with these 3 ingredients in the recipe for ideal day you think indecision is also an action , and to keep thinking about how to do things without them can take you miss unique opportunities just to be hesitating.

What did you think these 3 steps to ward off procrastination from your life and make your days where you always wanted to be?

Are you going to start applying?

Like everything else, it is a process and requires perseverance but something that will help a lot is to have at hand a r egister of “delayed tasks” .

So, whenever you postpone something gets a notebook and points:

1) the activity you’re avoiding

2) Your thoughts and feelings about it

3) The excuse that you put yourself

4) What do rather than get it

5) How do you feel after having procrastinated

Learning uses this record of “delayed tasks” and to adjust your habits ????

And do not forget to leave us a comment below with your opinions!