How to avoid injuries in yoga practice

Yoga has great benefits for our life , both physical and mental and spiritual. Just be focused on the moment, have a conscious thought, enjoy the journey without thinking about the results. Anyway, if you do so, we can sometimes hurt during practice and that I want to talk today of how to take care to avoid injury in the practice of yoga .


At the beginning of I begin, I made some minor injuries. Anything having to go to the doctor much less, but spent some being simple muscle soreness caused by practicing new exercises.

Now I thank those little injuries, because they taught me something very important at the beginning of this beautiful journey hand yoga.
And now I give you this advice:
never push yourself too in the practice of yoga , not worth it. Yoga is not a competition , it is a practice where everyone should be focused on your own body, in movement, in itself. No matter what you do your classmates or your teacher, or the teacher of the video you’re watching.

Yoga is the union of the person with his own consciousness and the universal consciousness. Yoga is the rest of the mental processes. It is the integration of body, mind and spirit to feel in harmony with yourself and the environment. So everything that has to do with competition, comparing yourself to someone else moves away from the essence of yoga.

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With the practice of yoga I’ve learned many things, and one of the most important has been the patience . Enjoy the journey without thinking about the results .

Be patient with your body while practicing yoga.
Do not force it , listen and learn where their limits. Gradually, with practice, you will go increasingly.
It is the natural way, let it flow .

The most important thing to avoid injury in the practice of yoga

Your mental attitude is your most important tool to avoid injury in the practice of yoga . I recommend that you commit to:

– Be patient with your body

– Treat your body with kindness

– Never force a yoga position or let it hurts too

– Enjoy every yoga position, as we
can do today, in any possible variations thereof exist.

The importance of warming

If you do yoga at home, always make sure to warm up your body before going on to do some yoga sequence. Do some light stretching, some twists. The body can take up to 20 minutes to warm up once you’ve begun physical activity, so be especially careful during the first 20 minutes of your practice.

The importance of pain

We must be grateful to these signals our body gives us as pain. If something hurts you for a position, it’s your body telling you to stop, you can do damage if you continue in that position. Listen to your body and do a variation of this yoga posture. The practice of yoga should never be painful.

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common yoga injuries and how to avoid them

In any yoga position you can injure yourself, however, there are some that tend to cause most injuries:

1. Lotus Position.

Any position that requires much bending the knee can cause injury. Although this approach may seem easy enough, it is deceptively difficult. You must have great flexibility in the hips to safely perform this posture. I suggest you make other variations of posture until you can comfortably make it complete. Other similar positions that require double knee can be much Child, Hero, Dove.

Yoga Positions: Child and pigeon
Yoga positions
Yoga positions: Lotus and hero

2. sarvangasana or Candle

This position requires extreme flexion of the neck and may also cause injury. These types of positions are a bit advanced, so most people usually take care to perform them . Yet it is important to be well careful. The good performance of the postures is good that you learn with a yoga teacher or a yoga course online at home that delve into details, and those that require bending of the neck is even more important. As a beginner, you can use a blanket under the shoulders to make you feel more comfortable.

Similar postures requiring neck flexion are Plowing and Camel.

Note that if you have high alterial pressure must avoid inverted postures.

Yoga poses: sailing, plow, camel
Yoga poses: sailing, plow, camel

3. Uttanasana standing and bending forward

The positions require extensive stretching or twisting back may cause injury. Always carried the variant you be more comfortable in this type of positions. Comparable are the extended triangle and Cobra.

Yoga positions: Chaturanga and Flexion foot forward
Yoga positions: Chaturanga and Flexion foot forward
Yoga positions: The Extended Triangle and Cobra
Yoga positions: The Extended Triangle and Cobra

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana o Downward Facing Dog

Several yoga poses require great strength in the shoulders and wrists. For the person who starts is costing more common to such positions, and injuries occur even if it is too long without feeling comfortable position.

In addition to the dog upside down, other positions that carry a
lot of support on the hands and shoulders are Chaturanga, The Crow and The headstand.

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If you feel pain in your shoulders or wrists while practicing some of these positions, it’s time to exit the position and take a break. It can take years to build bone density shoulders and wrists to have the strength to fully support your body in these positions, so be patient.

How to avoid injuries in yoga practice 3

Remember what I said at the beginning. Be patient, and be always aware of your practice, every move you make. Listen to your body. And enjoy your practice without injury!

A big hug for you!

