How to find the right style of Yoga for you

How to find the right style of Yoga for you 3Practicing yoga in general offers a very large list of physical, mental and spiritual benefits. It invites us to lead a life where we are always present, in the here and now, watching our thoughts and our actions without judging. However, there are different styles of yoga that focus more on some aspects than others, and your hands are defined at this point, what you’re looking for and what style is closer to your goal.

In this article I want to
help you , give you a little guide so you can make a decision.

What is Yoga?

Yoga means union in Sanskrit, the classical language of India, where it originated. Yoga is the union of the person with his own consciousness and the universal consciousness .

The ancient yogis believed that people were in harmony with themselves and the environment, should
integrate the body, mind and spirit . For this to be accomplished, the emotion, action and intelligence should be in balance.

Yogis formulated a way to achieve and maintain this balance through
exercise, breathing and meditation , the three main Yoga structures.

In yoga, the body is treated with care and respect, as the main instrument at work and the growth of the individual. Yoga exercises improve circulation, stimulate the abdominal organs, and exert pressure on the glandular system of the body, resulting in generally better health.

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The breathing techniques were developed on the concept that breath is the source of life . In yoga we learn to control our breathing, and slow it down. Focusing on it, we will be preparing the mind for the next step, the meditation .

The meditation helps us find peace and tranquility in our lives. Through some yoga postures and breathing techniques, we develop awareness of our body, helping us to concentrate and freeing us from everyday stress. Meditation is a path to enlightenment, self – knowledge.

First steps to find the right style of yoga for you

Yoga Styles
Finding the style of yoga for you
  • Get some yoga classes and familiarize yourself with the basic poses.

    Maybe you should receive some kinds of different styles before deciding on one.
    We also advise you to practice at home, individually. Be conscious always of movements and breathing, and opens the mind to all the
    benefits of yoga in general.

    Once you are familiar with the basic postures, you’ll have a little more knowledge to define which of the
    styles of yoga rather practice.

  • Looking for a suitable teacher , find it can be instrumental to decide to continue the practice of yoga.

    In my case, I was very clear that I wanted to
    practice yoga, but among the various offers yoga salons and gyms, I thought I was going to be difficult to decide. However, my first class was a revelation, thanks among other things, Nikki, my teacher. I had just moved to a new city where he knew no one and could not find Internet references, so I had no other to try. A few years later, I am still with the same teacher, who is an amazing person and an exceptional yogi.

    My advice : Do some research before, ask your friends or acquaintances, or search the Internet for the opinion of others. But if you have no other, just experience it for yourself.

  • Define what you are looking through yoga , to choose the style that suits you, and enjoy more benefits.

    Are you looking for physical intensity?
    Would you outline your body? Are you interested in a greater spiritual awareness? You want a mixture of everything? Do you have any injury or pain you want to treat? Become yourself all the questions and all rely why you want to practice yoga?

  • Check out some yoga classes online .

    Today it
    is much easier to find information even watch videos of each
    style of yoga . Take time to research online, and decide which is closer to what you want.

I also want to tell you something, the reason why we remain in the practice of yoga can be distant enough of the reason why we started. So my recommendation is that you experience, and gradually leave feeling like yoga is introduced into every aspect of your life, taking you to feel a great physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Some styles of yoga

I share with you some of the styles of yoga that exist today, and you bump on the most popular bold.

  • Anusara Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Bikram Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Kripalu Yoga
  • Power Yoga
  • Bharata Yoga
  • nude Yoga
  • viniyoga
  • Cy-Yo
  • Iyengar Yoga
  • Chair Yoga
  • Yoga Booty Ballet
  • Aerial Yoga
  • Dru Yoga
  • Hot Yoga
  • Swara Yoga
  • Nude Aerobics Yoga
  • Tantric Yoga
  • tantra Yoga
  • Raja Yoga
  • Agni Yoga
  • Anahata Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga
  • yoga Nidra
  • Laughter Yoga
  • Integral Yoga
  • Ananda Yoga
  • Nada Yoga
  • bhakti Yoga
  • karma Yoga
  • dharana Yoga
  • Dhyana Yoga
  • Niyama Yoga
  • Heart Yoga
  • Gitananda Yoga
  • Sahaja Yoga
  • Kriya Yoga
  • mantra Yoga
  • Siddha Yoga
  • Yantra Yoga
  • Buddhi Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Laya Yoga
  • Loknath Yoga
  • Zen Yoga for Couples
  • Purna Yoga
  • Dahn Yoga
  • Natya Yoga
  • Ayurveda and Yoga
  • Taoist Yoga

For now I can only wish you a great experience on this path you have chosen to go.

Yoga is more …
