How to Make Others Like You

How difficult is this really? make someone we want is more than the will of the other person than ours, so it is something that is beyond our reach. Rather than attempting to somebody or we all want, it is infinitely more effective than others want us when we begin to love ourselves as we are.

Love ourselves in many cases, can be a painful process, depending on who we are and what we have in our life luggage. We have such amazing ease of sabotage ourselves and focus on our failures, we often forget the other hand, see how special and wonderful we are.

How to Make Others Like You 3Life is an adventure and we are beings alive. We make mistakes but we can accomplish great things, we give ourselves and we do the best we can. We must focus on the best of ourselves and not have to be perfect, we’re fantastic anyway! If we can allow ourselves to be only who we are, then we will easily allow others to be just themselves. We can not even change a person, but to us. Through focusing on the best of others and of ourselves, we can more easily relate to everyday life.

You do not need all you want, even to like each other. And that’s okay, because you do not need nor want you to everyone, that’s a choice we ourselves do, that is called freedom. I do not need love everyone if I do not even pretend to like me, but that does not mean there is something wrong with these people, it means that there is simply no connection between them and me. We are at different frequencies, different values ​​simply is not more rare than that.

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People in your life with whom you associate, with whom I share my world, they add something to my life and I add them something to theirs. According to the law of attraction, like attracts like, and this happens so naturally. We attract different people.

How do you want

A rule of thumb I’ve always followed is not to judge anyone. Who am I to judge? God says in the Bible: “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged” , because the only one who can judge is God, we have not walked in the shoes of the other person, we know the difficulties that a person faces in life. Which is what happened to that person? Not any of that and therefore I can not judge them either. I respect my fellow land and treat them with respect, that has positively influenced my life. If we were ourselves and others as angels, and always focus on us elect the best of ourselves and others, then we would have won a lot.

If you dare to love yourself and accept yourself as you then have a lot to gain. When you dare to love yourself, then others will dare to love you too.

The law of attraction gives us what we send out why we will win a lot if we send good intentions. If we show understanding and respect for others, then we will experience more understanding and respect in our own lives. We will be at that frequency.

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A hug,

Elias Berntsson

Source: Helena Magdalena –

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