how to meditate correctly With the Buddha in a bar

How to meditate properly with the Buddha in a bar

To learn how to meditate properly, nothing better to do with the Buddha in a bar, and you do not need to be Buddhist or anything like that. To learn how to meditate properly, all you need to have is a good guide, life, and desire to leave the madness of stress and emotional discomfort that can find you; and that is precisely what is proposed in this book Lodro Rinzler I present you.


Buddha walks into a bar. ” Lodro Rinzler Editorial Kairos


How to meditate properly with the Buddha in a bar. Yes, you read it right. Among the books The Bibliomind that I offer every week, this time to stop playing an author you already know through his other book I introduced you at the time “Walk like a Buddha” and is Lodro Rinzler.In this book, before “Walk like a Buddha,” the author, in his usual simplicity and concreteness to the time of writing, puts us squarely in Buddhist practice bringing it to our daily work. the fireworks are over, and also not have to be Buddhist or orange dress, or being away from the madding crowd. That is the greatness of this writer for the Huffington Post and the Interdependence Project, which shows us clearly how to meditate properly just as if we were having a beer with the Buddha himself. Therein lies the key to its success and in facilitating such learning as does in the book “Walk like a Buddha.”

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An example is your invitation to use the Shamatha meditation easily. What happens to your mind when full of recurring thoughts and infinite mind ruminates ?. Well, it’s like you fill a glass of crystal clear water, leave it on a flat surface … everything is clear and serene. Now pour in the glass a little dirt and shake with a spoon … and everything becomes dirty until you stop remove the spoon, the land goes to the bottom, and gradually returns to its crystalline water naturally. Do you see ?, simply because that game is simple to explain why the goodness of meditation. At the end of the day, our mind is that glass of crystal clear water that we do nothing to sully the land of absurd thoughts and ruminations.

When it comes to know and understand how to properly reflect both this book I present you, as the other author of which I am referring at first, are two good tools for applying work to lead a full and simple life in a world like we go through.

When Lodro tells us how to meditate properly, although it does from the principles of Buddhism, you will see how is very simple abstracting from the religious sense that you could understand how restrictive, because given the ease with which the author draws us your proposals and how well imbricated left in our daily lives, the practice of meditation becomes a simple game of chance in our usual life.

In this light-hearted and direct the author’s tone, not only he tells us how to meditate properly, but also go through the whole book, reflections on love, friendship, sex, health or money, “offering simple practical exercises that help to synch with our own moral compass and dignity of our hearts “as pointed out by the presentation of the book itself.

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To learn how to meditate properly, I recommend this book as current author. It is not a monk, or a retired person from the madding crowd; but a person like you who live in a big city, shows that another way of understanding the world is more than possible. Sometimes just simply sit and breathe.



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