How to meditate every day in 25 lessons Mindfulness

How to meditate every day with mindfulness 25 lessons

How to meditate every day it is one of the questions we usually do when we started practicing meditation, because meditation is not to let the mind go blank but become an observer of what is happening here and now. I assure you that know and much Christphe André and meditate on how you learn a lot from this book that you can find 25 lessons to live with mindfulness and also with a CD of guided meditations.


How to meditate will no longer be your big question when you dive into reading “Meditate day. 25 Lessons for Living with Mindfulness of Christophe André. Editorial Kairos

If you know how to meditate it is, you get the right book. Christophe André I have already shown in this BiblioMind, some other book like “Serenity in everyday life” and I recommend “Moods. Serenity learning “ and ” self – esteem Practices “ .

This psychiatrist and psychotherapist is a great practitioner of meditation that also runs several meditation groups in the hospital Sainte-Anne in Paris so, as I always do, I bring the recommendation of a good author with whom you learn how to meditate correctly.

In the book in question, plus meet with guided meditations CD, you will enjoy 25 lessons that also learn to lead a mindfulness or mindfulness life. You know that you can also practice with Plenacción in AGENDA 21 , PROGRAM 40 and PROGRAM NOW LIVE .

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Publishing books Kairos are always full of good authors, but also take care of editing the books very well and is also the case in this hand. With a special role and where you will also enjoy very good and kept artwork along 4 spaces “BE AWARE: a mental attitude” “LIVING WITH THE EYES OF THE MIND WIDE OPEN: A PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE EVERYDAY “,” CROSSING tHE STORMS: tHE SHELTER oF THIS MOMENT “Y” OPENINGS AND DESPERTARES: the most important journey “ , find lessons on how to meditate with you will feel very identified / a for the simplicity of practice is essential when participating in this new mindfulness that will open up as you progress in reading.

He says André de mindfulness ” is to increase the presence in the moment, in immobilized to soak it, instead of escaping or want to change it through action or thought ” and describing clearly and concisely what it really means practice of mindfulness or mindfulness.

And this is the ultimate goal of the book invite you to read with care and attention; procure work dedication for 25 lessons, to learn how to meditate to put on each of your moments enough serenity to live from the here and now, without the rush of crazy world we live in, twist you, hopeless, to the gloom, pain and suffering.

At the end of the day, and as the author reminds us in one of the pages through the words of George Steiner “There are two processes that humans do not know to stop while they are alive: breathe and think. Actually, we can hold your breath for longer than we can refrain from thinking. Upon reflection, this inability to stop thinking, to stop thinking is a terrifying compulsion “.

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In short, “Meditate day. 25 lessons to live with mindfulness “is a powerful tool for you to learn how to meditate and make your practice a habit of health and wellness.

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