Sounds to meditate

Sounds to meditate 3


It is known that meditation is a practice originated in the East, which consists of a number of techniques to achieve a greater degree of mental stillness.

Beyond the style chosen, the purpose is always the same: serenar the comings and goings of thoughts, appease the constant ebb and flow in order to achieve some degree of inner silence that allows the person to calm down, connect to another level awareness, more connected to yourself and Wholeness, and less to own ego.

Among the techniques for meditation are some more dynamic, as proposed by the spiritual master Osho and others that require a higher degree of quieting. Within this second group, take one ‘s breath, and concentrate on a mantra are some of the proposals made by different teachers when meditating.

Resorting to sound meditation is a path that man has often sought throughout its history, in order to achieve higher levels of concentration, inner serenity or spiritual connection to the here and now. And among the sound resources used to meditate are the following:

Chants or mantras:

By repeating certain special sounds can induce deep meditative states. Mantras are sounds (groups of words or only words, phonemes or syllables, with or without literal meaning) that according to Hindu and Buddhist traditions have some spiritual or psychological power. Either way within the framework of meditation that counts is the concentration that lead to repeated mantras over and over again.

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Tibetan bowls:

These metal artifacts or “bowls cantadores” (as it is also called) are formatted bowl and offer similar to a bell sound. The edge and sides vibrate singularly, both when rubbed continuously with a mallet or when struck.

Originally used in Eastern Buddhist practices today are very applied in the context of meditation to induce relaxation, and cause both a state of maximum attention and dedication to the present moment. Its pleasant sound provides a deep sense of well being for body and soul.

Musics of nature:

Anyone who has spent a few moments beside a mountain stream in the silence of a forest, can account for the healing effect of the cooing, and that fosters powerful meditative states.

The sound of water has a particular relaxing and healing effect; also they have the birdsong, the whispering wind and other natural frequencies that help unify the body and mind, resulting in pleasant states of inner quiet.

binaural sounds:

Lately it has been promoting this path as a particular form meditate, to concentrate and lower the stress level. He is touted as “audios designed to act directly on the brain”.

These audios propose two slightly different sound waves, an image captured by the left ear, and the other by the law; that combination would emerge one third frequency or binaural sound.

People who listen with headphones a few minutes per day; close your eyes and relax, thereby gaining a certain level of harmony.

Whatever path you choose, meditation will help to calm you ; improve your ability to pay attention, strengthen your immune system and you lean towards joy. Do you know any other way to meditate with sounds? Tell us!

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