How to start practicing mindfulness With Daniel Goleman

How to start practicing mindfulness with Goleman

Whether you want to know how to start practicing mindfulness or continue learning or are passionate about books. “Introduction to Mindfulness” by Daniel Goleman is one of those copies you have to have.


How to learn to practice mindfulness with “Introduction to Mindfulness” by Daniel Goleman. Editorial Kairos.


Inside the spectacular library to which we are accustomed to the Editorial Kairos , occasionally, these copies appear that one or wants to have and also in print. In the case of “The Art of Happiness” and “meditate day” Christophe André, two precious copies full of wisdom and also interwoven with excellent reproductions of paintings in the history of world painting and over have a affordable price.

Well, now you can find out how to start practicing mindfulness with a small copy published by Kairos which is signed by Daniel Goleman , author, among other books, “Emotional Intelligence” that had not read yet, I invite you to do so immediately.

The book in question also has a special feature is that comes out of normal format is edited by Pániker and having a smaller format; the same dimensions as a CD.

The book comes with an audio CD with very good meditations to leave the question about how to start practicing mindfulness.

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In addition to the almost essential text of “breviaries” on the practice of mindfulness or mindfulness, this time, instead of reproductions of paintings, I is illustrated with good photographs sweet emotional charge.

I loved the book, obviously not only as a practitioner and consultant who I am, but also as a photographer, because my emotional photography site, you can see the clear implication that, for me is photography, emotion and speech. You find it in

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The texts that appear in the book (I think more than a book, it will become an object of emotional collecting, if you allow me the expression) are based on one of the great books of Daniel Goleman as is “Focus” obviously, and if you want and you are interested in mindfulness world for your personal development, I highly recommend it .

Pue yes, again they have done it again. The Kairos publishing house puts us in the hands and for a bargain price, an example for how to start practicing mindfulness beautiful , but also to unite in a precious object, image and word, emotion, print and photography.

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Undoubtedly, a copy can not miss in your personal library and, as a personal entreaty, I invite you to acquire best in its printed version that you can Savar the most of a book that will make you understand how to start practicing mindfulness The best way possible. A gift.


short stories to think


Now, you can make FREE program 21

Introduction to mindfulness practice online.

Click on the book for more information.



A self-help book to celebrate life from mindfulness here and now

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