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Massage of hands and feet

Massage of hands and feet 5

Massage hands and feet can be done in several ways depending on the destination. For example, for the treatment of internal diseases applies acupressure hands and feet, and in direct disease limbs apply classical massage.

In ancient times in countries such as Egypt, China, India and Japan are widely used acupressure massage of hands and feet as a treatment for many diseases. This is no accident. On the hands and feet are many biologically active points influence on all the internal organs. acupressure method brushes and stop in use today because of its effectiveness is confirmed by centuries of successful application. Usually, massage points produced on the feet, while on the hands more often used acupuncture and moxibustion.

At present, there are many different points of active cards stop, because their studies have been engaged in a number of scientists. But no matter what differences did not find Professor projection of the main areas of internal system remains almost the same. At massage active points on stop their search includes such a concept as individual Cun

. This period between the outer ends of the transverse folds at the bend of the middle finger of the patient hand. Depending on the length of this segment and is defined by the location of a particular point on the patient’s foot.

Technique of acupressure and toes

Massage of hands and feet 6

Acupressure feet and hands, hold your right thumb, bent phalanges or with the help of massage sticks large diameter. Massage movements are very diverse and it is up-and-down and right-left, anti-clockwise and arrow, as well as perpendicular to the pressure.

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The main requirement to carry out a massage movements without affecting neighboring areas. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day, massaging for 5-7 minutes each zone. The course of treatment is chosen individually from a few days to 2-3 months.

Technique of classic massage of hands and feet

Classical massage hands and feet held for therapeutic purposes or as a disease prevention in athletes. To do this, use these techniques of classical massage as stroking, rubbing different, push-ups, taking accordion. toes and hands are massaged schipkoobraznymi grindings. Massage hands also involves rubbing and kneading of the back of the brush along the metacarpal bones. This massage allows you to relax the muscles of the hands and feet, making them more elastic, thereby reducing trauma to muscle fibers at high loads.

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