Meditation: is it for everyone?

Meditation: is it for everyone? 3

Article written by Julio Rico member of the Writers Program Silva Method
Silva method to be happier at home


Not if meditation is for everyone, so if it is who needs meditation.

Meditation is an activity, a habit, a tool, a skill, a lifestyle very important if you:

  • You want to improve your grades.
  • You want to improve your health.
  • You want to get a couple.
  • You want to get a job.
  • You want to live quieter.
  • You want to be happier.
  • You want to help your family, a friend, to the world.

Well, learn to meditate is both a technique, a tool or skill for any man and woman, who are determined to improve their lives, in one or more aspects.

You want to improve your life?

Meditation is the key that will open the door to incredible opportunities for progress and wellbeing, both physical, mental, economic, emotional, meditation opens the doors to a world of wonderful possibilities.


Within you sleep the potential to achieve big dreams, to build great works, to positively influence the world, to be an example to follow, within you there is the potential to accomplish anything you set your mind honestly, you have the right and the ability to get as far as you as you propose, meditation will help bring to the surface all these hidden treasures.

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You have a wonderful tool, a very powerful tool, we are talking about your unconscious mind, meditation is the first step to enter a world of power and creation,

What if you believed that you are able to accomplish anything you set your mind?

I’m sure if you knew you fail a mission impossible, surely you would feel much better if you believed absolutely that these hopelessly doomed to succeed in everything you put your mind, surely you dare to do tremendous work.

Opens the doors of power!

Meditation is the key that will give you access to this infinite power that lies within you, THE POWER OF YOUR MIND UNCONSCIOUS, when you meditate you have direct access to contact this mind, this mind is responsible for 90% of the results of your life, through ideas, beliefs and expectations the unconscious mind works to create each and every one of the images you have in mind.


Meditation is for you if you want to get more things in life, meditation is an activity, easy, simple and natural, meditate may even be as easy as eating, sleeping and toileting, meditation, relaxation is a completely natural process It allows you to access and program the unconscious mind to get the results you want in life.

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