Mind control 10 tricks to speed up the brain

Silva Mind Control Method and 10 tricks to speed up the brain

Are you one of those who thinks that the brain should be accompanied by an instruction manual on how to use it?

Only use between 10 and 20% of the power of our mind … So imagine what you could accomplish if you used the remaining 90%!

Live longer and better, learn how and when to relax, say goodbye to stress, have better mood, to solve before (and better) problems, be more intuitive … Actually, everything depends on how awake you are your brain and how you know do function.

And while it’s true that no instruction manual, yes have shortcuts, tricks and techniques you learn to wake default everything is asleep.

Because everything depends on him, and agile and trained to be. And that is precisely what we propose today from the Silva Method : 10 tips to learn how to streamline, stimulate and train your brain to make the most of all its power l.

Are you ready to start?

Silva Method: Advantages of train and stimulate the brain

Did you know that when your brain is fully awake your life becomes much more interesting?

That’s because if you wake up the sleeping areas of your brain, you start to realize the full potential that absolutely all have. What happens is that you do not exercise enough.

And you should know that when you learn to maximize the power of your mind not only live longer and better but every area of ​​your life is strengthened, with all that that entails: greater prosperity, better health and increased happiness ( Among many other things).

Imagine that suddenly you’re able to solve your problems more effectively and creativity, which takes much more accurate (and much faster) decisions, you anticipate the future and to understand better how the world works.

Imagine you can relax how and when you want, you can achieve your goals automatically, you have the opportunity to create habits that allow you to feel better and have greater results in each of the areas of your life, your relationships are incredibly good and you generate ideas nowhere.

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Imagine that you can program your brain to go into situations that will increase your success, you become a much more creative and intuitive person, which increase your energy levels, you delay your aging and improve your health.

All this is only a small part of what you can accomplish when your brain goes mental stagnation that we have submitted and start taking action to improve your life. And we want to talk to you.

Silva Method: Meditation, the key to developing your brain

You see exercise the brain it is full of benefits, but you may be wondering: how do I do?

The truth is that there are different techniques and tools that help develop the brain but certainly one of the most effective is meditation, which among its more than 100 benefits has the ability to develop and activate the brain. This is demonstrated by hundreds of research and studies such as the University of Madison, Wisconsin (You can read the study here).

And precisely that is the basis of Silva Method: using meditation along with many other techniques, exercises and complementary to develop all areas of your brain and thus maximize their potential tools.

If you have the Silva Method course you already know what you speak. In fact, it has the support of science and is an effective “instruction manual” to make your brain your greatest ally.

Not only do you learn to meditate on Alfa with the most effective techniques but also learn a lot more: from warding off stress, develop intuition or wake up when you want without alarm, to ward off bad habits, catch up on sleep or have Better mood.

If you want to know everything the Silva Method can do for you, we recommend you visit this page. More than 6 million graduates worldwide have already done.

But we want everyone to test the benefits of the Silva Method.

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So if you want to start smooth with the basics and do not you dare to try the course, we invite you to see for yourself the benefits of meditation with the Silva Method downloading the free mini-course “You borderless” Silva Method a total of 8 lessons where you will learn how to develop your brain with all that that implies.

We invite you to dedicate between 15 and 30 minutes to meditate … And besides that, if you want are tools everyday, basic but very effective, we invite you to try the 10 tricks we share we will then.


Mind Control: 10 tips to train your brain and speed

With only minor “tweaks” to your day will be helping your brain to develop, you’ll be exercising and you’ll be helping to awaken the sleeping areas.

How to do it? With these 10 tricks and tips that show below.

Ideally, it combines them with meditation, but the truth is that incorporating them into your everyday life you will notice big changes and hardly have devoted much effort. We invite you to try and tell us how it went.

1) Use your other hand.

Spend the day doing things with your nondominant hand.

If you’re left-handed, open doors with your right hand. If you’re right handed, try using your keys with your left hand.

This simple task will cause your brain set some new connections and have to rethink how to perform daily tasks.

Put the clock on the opposite hand to remind the challenge of changing hands on tasks.

2) Mind games.

Mind games are an incredible way to excite and challenge the brain.

Sudoku, crossword puzzles or other mind games are ideal for improving brain agility and memory. Ah! And it is more beneficial to practice 15 minutes every day to do it for hours.

3) Feed the brain.

Mental control: 10 tricks to speed up the brain 3

Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats.

Focus on fat fish such as wild salmon, nuts such as nines and oils such as linseed or olive.

Eat this kind of food and reduces saturated fats, and completely eliminates trans fats from your diet.

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4) Acquire a new skill.

Learn a new skill sets to work on multiple brain areas.

Your memory will come into play, learn new moves and will associate things differently.

For example, try to read Shakespeare, learn to cook or build an airplane with chopsticks … all serve to challenge the brain and give you new things to think about.

5) Go through different sites.

By car or on foot, looking for new routes to the same place regardless of where you go.

This little change in routine helps the brain practice with spatial memory and directions.

Try changing sidewalk and alters the order that visits your favorite stores in order to change the routine.

6) Break routines.

The more we get used to a task becomes more entrenched nature and less work our brains to do it.

To avoid this try changing the order of your routine, or incorporate new habits that make each day different from before.

7) Read different books.

Take a book that is unlike anything we know so far.

For example, reading a novel elapses in ancient Egypt, learn some economics or read a book of nonfiction to also learn many new things.

8) Choose a new hobby.

Find something that captivates you, you can easily do at home and does not cost too much money.

For example, make pictures with a digital camera, learning to draw or play an instrument, practice new cooking styles or type.

9) Learn the phone numbers

We all have agendas in which to write down important numbers, and nobody strives already learn and memorize.

Doing so is a great way to exercise your brain.

10) Make lists.

Lists are wonderful and, among other things, help to associate some data with others.

Try making lists: places you’ve visited, of the best gifts you received, of the most delicious meals you tried and even the shopping cart or plans of the day.

Try making a daily list and you’ll notice the benefits.

What did you think these 10 tips to exercise your brain and maximize their potential?

We invite you to try and leave us your comment below telling us what you thought.
