Silva Method: What our Community says

I would like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who responded to the survey sent last July 9, 2012.

Silva whole team is very happy that you have taken the time to help us.

For those who are new to the community, let me tell you. A few days ago we sent a survey asking about what was the main reason that made buy the Silva Method Audio Course. The idea is to see what it was that encouraged them to try and make the big “step”.

So we asked our students Silva:

“What it is the # 1 reason why you purchased the Silva Method Life Course?”

And this, I will share you now, it is what we have answered:

Metodo Silva: What our Community says 3

The results are very revealing.

First, a lot of people who were afraid to invest in a program “little known” to them benefited from the free lessons. That’s the number one reason why the program ended up buying almost 42% of people who responded.

Then, almost 25% of people said they are attracted by the enormous amount of tools available in Silva. This means that we need to emphasize the benefits and show all what you can do with Silva to help it reach more people.

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And finally, within the category “other” reasons are from people who had done the residential course and wanted to “remember” the techniques learned to people who knew of the existence of the Silva Method and always had wanted probrarlo.

So with all this information, we will put to work to always offer the best quality and support your path of transformation and welfare.

We are here to accompany you in this process.

May the rest of your life, is the best of it!

Laura and the team Silva

PS: If you want to know more about the Audio Course Silva go here.