Oscar Jimenez. How an impossible challenge Becomes possible

Oscar Jimenez.  How an impossible challenge becomes possible.

How Oscar Jimenez gets that what seems impossible becomes possible. The human being is able to see that what is extraordinary in the everyday.


What if one day you wake up and you can not walk ?. The challenge of 700km


In a space like this, dedicated to consulting for personal and professional development based on mindfulness or mindfulness, not close to give me to know lives and stories are an example of genuine improvement and personal development.

Carry out a project like Plenacción makes this globalized and hyper-connected world, you get to meet people, lives and stories that would otherwise be impossible.

This is the case of Oscar Jimenez , who because of a tremendous medical malpractice, probably motivated by the desire to live in the world with haste, unattended and inordinately stressed, he went from having a life considered normal build with enormous effort normality having lost mobility of the legs and live life from a wheelchair.

I met Oscar Jimenez through discovery blog Jorge Jimenez , one of those vitalistas and committed that teaches us to create and manage our “personal brand” that created the great “Method Spider” , making a kind way , friendly and simply masterful. Through his blog I met Oscar history that counted in the “impossible” book I want to recommend that, in addition, you will make a good social action.

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Oscar Jimenez, our protagonist, tells us in the book “Impossible” whole story of how a medical malpractice leads from a Feb. 28, 2012 to suffer quite a painful process to be in a wheelchair.


Oscar is all an example of strength and overcoming it has decided to continue investing in capital life.

I highly recommend you buy and read your book recommend that you also do a good deed, because all proceeds from the sale thereof, is intended for the Friends of the disabled “Qui qui tea”.

I also invite you to see a documentary that, I’m sure, will not leave you indifferent and Oscar Jimenez is a challenge proposed … a big challenge; Challenge 2015 “700km wheelchair , ” all a brilliant documentary to accompany Oscar and a team of friends in the road filming and editing.

I invite you to enter their website where you can find more information and documentary also I link you here.

Website: http://www.soyoscarjimenez.com


Documentary: http://www.soyoscarjimenez.com/documental-700km


Work for our personal development, it also pay attention to those from other circumstances they have done . In this globalized and hyper -connected world, understand that neither you nor can you isolate yourself from what happens outside of you and your circumstances.

In a change of era as we are living, it is essential to look at the eyes and tender hands to learn from everyone who, like Oscar Jimenez says, the impossible can become possible and as I always point out, you can learn to see what is extraordinary in the everyday.

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