A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Can yoga asanas kill belly fat really? 1

Can yoga asanas kill belly fat really?

Yoga for weight loss belly: Top 7 specific abdomen exercises The best abdomen exercises for you to lose weight belly and have a flat stomach. Specific for this area because they are what make you burn more fat, and ideal if you wonder how to lose weight quickly. Introduction to Yoga exercises to lose weight belly. […]

Is it OK to practice yoga without a mat? 2

Is it OK to practice yoga without a mat?

3 REASONS TO USE YOGA ACCESSORIES Blocks, belts, blankets, cushions … These are just some of the many tools that you can help with in your yoga practice. In addition to these more classic elements lately there is a boom in the market of newer yoga accessories: a clear example are the yoga wheels . The world of yoga accessories […]

What are the benefits of Yin Yoga? 4

What are the benefits of Yin Yoga?

 Benefits of Yin Yoga The practices of yin and yang yoga complement each other with their opposite natures. Yin yoga puts you in conditions, allowing you to stretch and strengthen, as well as achieving complete relaxation conducive to effective meditation that yoga alone can not help you achieve. The benefits of yin yoga are rich for the […]

How can yoga benefit those on the Austism spectrum? 5

How can yoga benefit those on the Austism spectrum?

Yoga Benefits  Intense Workouts Maintain the Good Functioning of Memory Physical Conditioning Habits That Could Hinder Maximum Results History in Brief It has been shown that yoga combats cognitive decline. In a 12-week study, volunteers who did yoga improved their memory and mood more than those who practiced conventional brain exercise Practicing yoga regularly has also […]

Will yoga improve eyesight? 6

Will yoga improve eyesight?

The yoga of the eyes, also called “Bates method”, is more and more followers seeking to naturally improve their eyesight. According to some testimonials, this soft medicine could even help to avoid glasses or contact lenses more often … The yoga of the eyes, what is it? The yoga of the eyes was developed by an […]

What are the yoga sutras 8

What are the yoga sutras

Yoga sutra The history of yoga goes back five millennia. This physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual practice born in India was originally based on texts called yogas sutras . Definition of Yoga Before becoming westernized, yoga was essentially based on texts in Sanskrit: yogas sutras. They were written by Patanjali who wrote them around 200 BC. Yoga sutras are a collection […]

Can I get tips for diet and yoga? 9

Can I get tips for diet and yoga?

For the Yogis, feeding is a complete practice in itself. The three dimensions of Hatha Yoga – physical, energetic and mental – thus unite in the action of nourishment. The material importance of food is well known to all: it serves to sustain the body. On this point, the Yogis’ recommendations are not very original and cut […]

What is the way to do Kundalini yoga? 11

What is the way to do Kundalini yoga?

Kundalini Yoga It is a style of spiritual and devotional yoga, which often involves songs, mantras, candles and incense. Through the practice of postures in combination with breathing, pranayama exercises, energetic closures (bandhas) and mudras, it seeks to open and balance the chakras to prevent and heal physical and emotional ailments. What is Kundalini Yoga? The Kundalini Yoga , […]

Can we do yoga at home? 12

Can we do yoga at home?

Yoga at home Many say that at home yoga is done like nowhere. We can do yoga in our home, why not? The yoga exercises only require our willingness and peaceful atmosphere. But if you want to feel 100% yoga without leaving home, keep these tips in mind: In the first place, yoga demands concentration . When you start the yoga exercises, concentrate on what you are doing and leave […]

Can I really do yoga at home? 13

Can I really do yoga at home?

Yes, you can to do yoga at your home. Surely you have heard many references that confirm how beneficial yoga is in those who practice it. Do you like the idea of ​​being able to get started, but you are part of the group of people who can never do an activity like this because of […]