Self-knowledge and self-obsession mindfulness

Mindfulness self-knowledge and self-obsession.

Era changes to the change of era and the danger of self-knowledge led to the obsession with self.


Self-knowledge and self-obsession in a world of spiritual materialism or self-obsession without BE, DO, BE and take into the new world.


Sunday 13 March 2016, appeared in the EPS newspaper El País , an article by Xavier Guix entitled “The obsession with self” in which he spoke of as living in a life devoted to spiritual materialism society, it is important to know our inside, put on the brakes but knowing so many momentous question.

And this period we are going through and that is not an era of change but a profound change of era, when talking about self – knowledge and spiritual development, the human being is at a lost because this change of era, also means a deep changing values and ways of inhabiting the world.

Everything is changing and everything will change . Thus, the paradigms on which we were holding our own , so far, traditional and customary way of life, is no longer useful.

Humans undergoing a deep transformation process need through a path from the materialism “spiritualism” feeling the need for a deep self.

There is a new awakening of consciousness and a return to self – knowledge as if coming from materialism and consumerism exacerbated, human beings seek happiness in the self – knowledge that must take new paths.

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The problem here is not just that spiritual materialism that speaks the article’s author to produce new forms of consumerism and commodification of everything that has to do with personal and spiritual development, but the individual, like he clung to materialism and consumerism exacerbated and radical way, also do self-knowledge and the new “religion” to produce a new form of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

In this process of change of era we are living in the area of self – knowledge, self – help and personal development, we are entering a new era of psychology that is the space of the transpersonal and as in previous periods of history psychology, nor anything goes and everything is useful.

As Xavier says, spend the remaining day all we feel or think, has an impact on the body and brings some difficulties among which the obsession, confusion, dissociation from reality, the difficulties of coexistence and possession.

Clearly, any process of radicalization in the meeting of self – knowledge and personal development and the awakening of consciousness can be dangerous, but “taken” in its proper place , it is to take advantage of new techniques for meeting a new way of SER , be, do and have in this new era.

As Guix points out, after all , “the technique must be accompanied by an ethics and aesthetics of living”

And in everything that has to do with self-knowledge, spirituality, personal development and the awakening of consciousness, balance is essential for a good job that is profitable not only for ourselves but for those around us.

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From Plenacción as consulting for personal and professional development based on mindfulness or mindfulness , I am not seeking, far from radicalism in the field of self – knowledge, but balanced encounter between reason and spirit for that encounter with oneself or it does not become a new “spiritual egocentricity” , but the awareness that we are not independent but interdependent beings who live in constant balance with the world in which we live.

Otherwise, think only from isolation and deepening self-knowledge through the simple look towards our isolating inside the environment in which we live, we will give happiness, it is a huge mistake that ends up paying dearly.

Self yes, personal work for our own development as human beings, too, but all in the right balance that prevents move from an era of materialism and consumerism as the basis for happiness, a new era of individualistic self – centeredness of self – knowledge

Flee who promises you that you can be happy all the time or who gives you eternal serenity or ensures that you can leave blank mind and be independent.

Dare to find the healthy balance of being alive or alive inhabit the present moment knowing finding that the extraordinary is everyday life and in life there are ups and downs, plains and mountains, pain and happiness , and that the paradigm shift is to understand that the important thing is to choose “surfboard” on which to learn to overcome the waves of everyday life from self but from the hand of those around you.

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Between birth and death there is an adventure in which you can and should be the director of your own movie, knowing that you are surrounded or surrounded by other actors and actresses who are also directors from their own reality and that each and all they look the same as you; reach the shore with the satisfaction of having felt each of the present moments that life gives us.

Self – knowledge, personal and spiritual growth and awakening of consciousness hand the world to which you belong. The rest are fads and pantomimes end up spending and leaving again, as empty as those who think that happiness is leaving the dealership with the latest model car.

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