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Shivananda yoga

Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda is one of the few styles of teaching spiritual practices, closest to the yoga of Patanjali . This direction is versatile and holistic approach. The main difference between this style from other areas of Hatha Yoga is that practice always takes place in a relaxed state, so novice yogis taught not only asanas as deep relaxation.

Sivananda Yoga – the path to the physical and mental well-being. This yoga helps eliminate internal barriers and gives willpower to stay calm, relaxed and collected in difficult moments of life. Each class begins and ends with the singing of mantras. Mantra is a form of energy created by the sound vibration. Energy channels begin to oscillate when sung mantra . Sound and vibration can affect your body, developing a positive quality, and improve their emotional state.

The lesson great attention is paid to relaxation, breathing exercises and internal concentration.
All exercises are performed with explanations and personal adjustment members of the group. Each can be offered to more simple, or, conversely, more complex asanas modifications to suit individual features. The primary sequence (Asana 12) may be supplemented with more sophisticated asanas and their variations on the teacher’s discretion. The main class is suitable for people of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to those who have already engaged a few years.

Sivananda yoga is based on five principles:

  • Proper exercise.
    The correct execution of asana has a beneficial effect on all body systems, rejuvenate it, return strength and flexibility.

  • Proper breathing.
    Pranayama promotes the accumulation of the vital energy (prana), through which a person acquires control of his consciousness.

  • Proper relaxation.
    Regular performance Shavasana necessary for physical, spiritual and mental relaxation.

  • Proper nutrition.
    Vegetarianism has a positive effect on the body and mind, it provides the maximum amount of useful substances the body, without having a negative impact on the environment.

  • Positive thinking (
    Vedanta ) and Meditation (Dhyana) promotes the mental, spiritual and physical well-being.
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 lesson structure Sivananda Yoga:

Who can practice yoga Shavananda : practice does not require any special aids or special physical training.

read literature:

  • Swami Sivananda “Yoga and the power of thought”

  • Swami Sivananda “Golden Book of Yoga”

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