Tao and mindfulness. The power of health and well-being

Tao and mindfulness.  The power of health and wellbeing

When we talk about Tao, we are also talking about mindfulness and therefore the power of health and wellness in our personal development.


In “The Tao of energy” you will find, as the subtitle, qigong for everyone with dietary and health Key says.


“The Tao of energy” jmromero Editorial Kairos


Undoubtedly, when we talk about the Tao, we are talking about the immense power of the application of consciousness in the here and now to be aware at all times of enormous power for our own personal and professional development takes care of our body and our spirit.

This book jmromero the Editorial Kairos written by jmromero with illustrations by Raul Grabau Master is one of those good guides must have at home to learn how to apply the ideas contained in your day to day.

And it is that among Chinese health sciences, the author speaks to us and teaches us some good practices qigong and dietary explaining many exercises through the artwork of Raul Grabau.

At the end of the day, as the author says “have the head elsewhere, dissociating body and mind, minimizes the effect of any exercise. It’s like going with the brake “, so the attitude of absolute presence contained in the teachings of mindfulness, so come to mind when practicing the exercises contained in the book.

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Tao talk or mindfulness is to talk about health and wellness. Speaking of presence in the here and now, it is also talk of wisdom and JM Romero does very well in this book from the Library of Health Kairos publishing house .

Jmromero is one of those simple wise men that you’ll find throughout life. Author of more than a dozen books, among which is “The teachings of the hidden wise” and a great traveler who has lived in Pondicherry, Vientiane, Shanghai and Chiang Mai and a great schooled in Eastern philosophies, bring us in this practical book I recommend an interesting study of the arts of energy, particularly of qigong, tai chi and dietary.

Speaking of Tao and mindfulness and practice of life with consciousness, I felt very identified with the words of Romero because through Plenacción is the line I try to carry at all times, is that “You are responsible yourself, your physical and mental health. This forces you, in the first instance, to be selfish. To cultivate a positive selfishness. You are the center “ and obviously, as always think, a center surrounded by millions of other interrelated centers that make up our own universe which is that of all.

Tao practice, mindfulness, work on your own care is back to center where it never should have left. It is the here and now in which all moment by moment life moves.

Stay with an idea:

-8 hours daily duties.

-8 hours of beneficial activities.

-8 hours rest.

To achieve this you will not come bad read “The Tao of energy”. You know make the party worth reading.

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