The 5 Most Common Obstacles When meditating

The 5 most common obstacles when meditating 3

5 obstu00e1culos mu00e1s common at the time to meditateMeditation is a practice that favors individual discovery and spiritual awakening of each person.

It is a very personal process and those who practice meditation know that deepens the experience with exercise and that everyone has their time, their strengths and limitations. Anyway, there are some very common when meditating that usually happen to most people obstacles.

If you’re starting to meditate, you should take into account the most frequent difficulties to overcome them quickly and thus can deepen your experience. What are the most common obstacles when meditating?

1. Sleep

The feeling of falling asleep is one of the most common obstacles when meditating. People often wonder what to do in these cases.

Should we fight sleep?

Should we give him?

Before answering this question, one must first determine the causes of sleep.

Did you rest well last night?

Do you feel mental or physical fatigue?

Did you eat too much?

If you come from a long day and you feel your body is exhausted, then it is better to meditate at another time. The same if you have not slept well or if you’ve eaten too much. In these cases, it is best to listen to your body and rest. Then identify what your moments of lucidity to meditate more and thus can avoid fatigue and sleep.

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But if you have rested well and you feel it is unreasonable to fall asleep during meditation, you must make an effort and concentrate on keeping your mind awake .

It is very common that our mind try to outrun meditation and one of these escapes is asleep. If you identify the difference between fatigue and attempt to escape, then you can decide whether you should continue meditating or not.

Remember that every practice involves an effort and once overcome the obstacle of sleep will affect you less and less until it disappears completely. It is always a gradual but firm training.

2. Itching

Another of the most common obstacles to meditate is the feel itchy in certain parts of the body. Your first reaction (the most natural) probably move to relieve itching. It’s just what you should try to avoid.

Itching is one of the greatest obstacles to overcome as it trains us not to react instantly to any stimuli we receive. We are used to react without thinking, but with practice of meditation learn not to react instantly and understand that you have the power to take a decision against everything that happens.

You can decide not to scratch the itch and you’ll be alone. Meditation shows you that you have the power over your mind and not the reverse.

3. Small corrections of posture

You began to meditate on the position that you thought more comfortable. But you feel a little discomfort in the foot. Then another little discomfort in the arm. You feel you must move a millimeter to the left, then another forward. And so you begin to fix minimum details of your posture and lose concentration. This is one of the most common obstacles when meditating.

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As in previous obstacles, here you must apply the same criteria: finding balance and to differentiate between true discomfort and the need to move without reason. It is well adopt the best posture, and that is also achieved with practice.

But avoid these minor corrections become a distraction. Identify your ideal posture and try to keep it . Soon you will see that your mind gives way and focuses on meditation, leaving aside everything else.

4. The external distractions

Not all people have an absolutely peaceful and quiet place to meditate. Especially if you live in a city, it is quite possible that noise, both during the day and night. Honking, cars passing, people talking, timbres; There are many factors distracting and your mind will be very tempted to entertain with each of them.

While it may be difficult at first, stop things happening around you remove your concentration is part of the training. The exercise will teach you meditation you can direct your attention to where you want no matter what is happening outside of you.

5. The loss of concentration

The vagaries of the mind are continuous and thoughts go one behind the other, even without us noticing. During meditation, it is very common that your mind begins to think, tells something that happened in the day, sing a song, rationalizes sensations, brings back memories of the past.

At the beginning of meditative practice it is when we realize how much noise there is in our minds and the huge amount of thoughts that run through it at all times. The training consists of stilling these thoughts go slowly, not repressing them , but giving them the real place they have.

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It is normal for your mind is flooded with thoughts at first. The key is to identify and learn to let them pass.

Do not get involved too much with everything you think and identifies every thought, I tag without generating an emotion and let it go.

And always go back to your object of meditation whenever you find digress about something else. With practice, you’ll notice that your mind becomes more acute and concentrated to transform into a laser that never deviates from its target.

The meditation can change your life very positively!

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