Darshan Travels in Asia and the spirituality of the everyday

Travels in Asia.  Darshan and everyday spirituality

Asia trips to tour your inner life.


Darshan”. Oriental wisdom for everyday life. Travel to Asia Alexis Racionero Ragué Editorial Kairos


The journey, however short it may be, is always open to discover new ways of understanding the world and understood window.

Looking from within out and let everything flow as does the way we decided to go.

Travels in Asia is what is proposed Alexis Racionero Ragué in this great travel book published by the Kairos publishing house .

Asia trips is the encounter with the ancient wisdom in everyday life that ends up being a journey of personal development and authenticity in learning to flow to go is life.

The author of these travels in Asia, Alexis Racionero, takes us by the hand showing more than a decade of travel that has been discovering the slow life and learning from intuition and filling their days inspiration Eastern philosophies.

We run too. West is cornered by the rule of hurry because as the author says “the rush and acceleration are merely the product of a plan, a forecast of a goal, having calculated to arrive at a time. However, what happens if there is no calculation, but no plan? Suddenly, the tension disappears because there is no goal, no goal or timing “and this, after all , is what Alexis offers these travels in Asia.

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Learning to live with more serenity and more attention touring countries such as India, Myanmar, Laos, Japan or Thailand.

It is a book of physical journey, but also intellectual and emotional root in which you can find many shared by its author teachings show us another way to inhabit the present moment wherever they live.

Fill our daily life travels in Asia that comfort us and show us other perspectives.

Throughout the book we also find quite a number of teachings and references to classical texts like the Tao Te Ching, the Sutras of Patanjali Yoga, The Secret of the Golden Flower. A life care here and now

Travels in Asia, in short, it is an excellent invitation to inner journey and the discovery of some of the most important cultures of humanity.


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