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What is Kriya Yoga and how is it performed?

What is Kriya Yoga and how is it performed? 5

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is a meditation technique that rapidly accelerates spiritual growth.

The best way to learn something is to reading book through the book we learn many information. So, the lot of books are there to guide How to do kriya yoga. To buy a one of the best book for kriya yoga click this link.

What is Kriya Yoga and how is it performed? 6


It was widely reported by Paramhansa Yogananda, in his book: “Autobiography of a Yogi”.

Paramhansa Yogananda explains that, Kriya Yoga, is the most effective technique, which is within the reach of humanity, to achieve the goal of Yoga: the union with the Divine.

Paramhansa Yogananda taught Kriya Yoga as part of a spiritual path that includes other techniques and lessons, in how to attune with this vibration and with the line of Kriya Gurus.

The true technique of Kriya Yoga is given after helping the student to establish a daily practice of meditation, a deep understanding of what Kriya Yoga is, the initiation and how to integrate the practice in his daily life. Kriya Yoga Path that will help you to establish a deep knowledge, as well as develop a practice of meditation and integration of all the techniques that Yogananda offered, to obtain the greatest benefit from the practice of Kriya This process takes about a year or more, depending on the student’sdedication.

What is Kriya Yoga and how is it performed? 7

For almost 50 years, Ananda has been initiating and helping thousands of Truth seekers from around the world to prepare for initiation into Kriya Yoga. In Ananda, we not only practice Kriya Yoga, as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, but we live integrating its benefits to all aspects of our life.

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Why we do not recommend doing Kriya Yoga without a preparation and without a tune with the source:

Nowadays many people are looking to get started in Kriya Yoga, especially after reading the book of Autobiography of a Yogi. The search can take you to many places, people, spiritual teachers, and the internet. That is why in Ananda we dedicate time to prepare the student.

The technique of Kriya is like a seed, if it is planted in an unprepared field, it will not bear its fruit, or it may be that the lack of knowledge and tuning of the student who finds it on the internet, harms the person in some way. This technique uses very subtle energies.

Yogananda gave us a preparation sequence that is safe and works, as long as the student follows it faithfully. It takes approximately one year to complete the 6 courses.

These are the courses you have to complete, to receive the Kriya Yoga technique:

  1. Level 1: How to Meditate
  2. Level 2: How to integrate Meditation into your daily life
  3. Level 3: How to awaken inner joy
  4. Energetization and Healing Exercises
  5. How to tune in to the source
  6. Kriya Preparation Course
  7. Initiation to Kriya Yoga

The first step is to start by taking Level 1: How to Meditate. After completing the first 3 Levels, you can request access to course 4.

More information about courses 4, 5 and 6:

5. How to attune yourself to the source: We will explore the importance of tuning in to the vibration and source from which this Kriya energy emanates, to accelerate spiritual evolution and reach union with God.

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6. Kriya Preparation Course: Includes instructions on the OM meditation technique and also prepares the student to understand in more depth what Kriya Yoga is, how it works and the importance of practicing meditation daily.

7. Initiation to Kriya Yoga: Once you have successfully completed the 5 steps above and have developed a daily meditation practice, you can apply for the sacred initiation to Kriya Yoga.

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