A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

What is Mantra?

Mantra (unique number) is a Sanskrit word indicating a word or group of words, certain carriers and sound vibration energy. Certain sacred Sanskrit words have tremendous power, and the singing of sacred words in the prescribed manner releases this energy.

Initially, the mantra to sing loudly and loud enough that a person can hear sound.
The vibration of the mantra penetrates deeper and deeper into the heart, and, as a result, a person may be silent, internally interacting with supersonic vibration. This practice carries a huge recreational energy. The energy of the mantra helps achieve balance of body, mind and consciousness.

As food should be chosen for the body, consistent with its constitution and effective action must be the mantra for the power of the individual soul.


Source: Vasant Lad “Ayurveda.
self-healing science “

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