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What is the advantage of the plank yoga exercise?

What is the advantage of the plank yoga exercise? 1

Health benefits of the plank pose

One of the exercises that you learn to perform in Yoga when you have a more or less advanced level and that is also used in other gymnastic routines is the pose of the plank or plate . It is a yoga asana that requires some resistance, especially in your arms and legs.

Below we will explain how it is done and what are the benefits it brings to health. Surely you will be surprised to learn that there are so many, read on!

How is the plank pose?

  • Get on all fours on the mat.
  • Rest the tip of your feet on the floor.
  • Elevate the trunk and hips maintaining a straight position and without bending the knees.
  • Bend the arms until your forearm is resting on the mat and hold for a few breaths.

Note: you can also practice without bending your arms, that will depend on how you feel more comfortable doing it.

What are the benefits of the plank pose

Yoga asanas to lose weight

1. Improve your mood

Any exercise that is performed causes a wave of endorphin known as the happiness hormone. This affects our mood in general causing you to have a good mood throughout the day.

2. Your belly will harden

The plank pose will help you form the muscles of the abdomen. As you become an expert in practicing it, you will have your abdominals increasingly hard and marked. This, with time, will help you to be noticed as you have always wanted.

3. You will have more flexibility

By practicing the pose of the plank daily, flexibility in the muscles of the shoulders, the clavicle and the shoulder blades will increase, as will the tendons and arches of the feet, which, if you have not noticed, are areas that are not importance is given when exercising.

4. Decrease back pain

When performing the plank pose, the muscles of your back will be strengthened. This, in turn, will help reduce back pain, especially in the lower area. In this regard, the specialists of the American Council of Exercise assure that “Because the exercise of the plank requires a minimum movement while contracting all the abdominal muscles, it is an excellent way to strengthen the nucleus, which in turn, helps to reduce the low back pain » .

The plank pose is great to include in any exercise routine, especially now that you know all the benefits it brings. Always include it when you practice yoga and soon you can see for yourself that what we said here is true.

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