A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Yoga-Ayurveda tours to India on the ocean

See also  Bihar School of Yoga (Satyananda Yoga)

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How to avoid injuries in yoga practice

Loading… MindYoga4U A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga Menu home About Blog Contact Posted on January 12, 2018by admin How to avoid injuries in yoga practice Yoga has great benefits for our life , both physical and mental and spiritual. Just be focused on the moment, have a conscious thought, enjoy the […]

What are the best meditation techniques? 2

What are the best meditation techniques?

The different meditation techniques and their benefits There are 8 categories, or areas of application of meditation. All have their particularity and come in multiple techniques, each bringing their particular benefits to the mind, body and spirit. Presentation. Loading… The different meditation techniques and their benefits The 8 areas of meditation each respond to particular needs. Over time, […]

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