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Yoga exercises in the office

We have already published an article about
yoga in the office , in which he spoke about how to relieve fatigue in the workplace . Today we tell about how to practice yoga together with colleagues in the middle of the day, to relieve tension, eliminate stress and increase blood flow to the brain. This practice will not take more than 10 minutes and does not require you to have a rug. But small physical workout based on yoga asanas will help to increase productivity. Invite your colleagues in a recreation area on the joint practice of yoga!

Tune in to practice.
Stand up straight. Hand position
namaste . Close your eyes. You are in this position for approximately 1 minute. Try to relax, to let go of the thought, to catch his breath.

The complex of exercises (yoga asanas)

Tadasana (performance technology)

Tadasana – the first and very important standing asana . It is necessary to stand straight, still and quiet, like a mountain. Does not bend back. Do not lift my head and lower it down.

Asana improves posture, promotes the release of spinal nerves, helps to keep the spine and joints of the hands and feet of young and flexible.

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Uttanasana (performance technology)

The maximum zoom torso to the legs.
Put your head on my knees. Belly put on her hips. Do not round your back, it should be smooth! If this is not possible, bend your knees. Gradually you will be able to straighten them.

Heartbeat in Uttanasane slows.
Heals spinal nerves. When you run at least 2 minutes
Uttanasana relieves depression, calms the mind.

See also  How is resolving emotions different from meditation?

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Utthita Trikonasana (performance technology)

Asana stretches and aligns the spine, relieves back pain and neck, strengthens the ankles and open the chest.

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Virabhadrasana I (execution technique)

Translated as the hero pose.
Asana strengthens the hips and shoulders. Try is in position 10-15 breaths, then you will understand why
yoga strengthens the muscles of the entire body.

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Virabhadrasana II (execution technique)

Similarly to the previous posture translates as a hero.
It belongs to the yoga asanas, significantly strengthens the muscles of the legs, back and stomach, restores mobility of the joints, trains endurance and coordination. The expansion of the lungs during the asanas promotes their ventilation and the removal of toxins.

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At the end of practice stand up straight, hands namaste, cover your eyes.
Align breath.


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