Yoga for Beginners 7 frequently asked questions.

In my yoga classes for beginners many doubts, which also coincide with whom I sent many people of this great family of MindYoga4U that just delve into this wonderful world arise.

Today I want to tell you about these questions, and the answers I’ve learned from my experience. In addition I have studied the subject on the Internet, and I see that it is something global, not just happening around me:)

These can also be your doubts. If you have concerns about the practice of yoga , I invite you to read this article, I hope to help you and support you in your decision or overcoming obstacles to get you started and on this path of self – knowledge, health and peace.

Yoga for beginners. Questions and answers.

1. How many times a week should I practice?

You can start with a regular practice, so your body learns to move in a new way. For this to happen, it is useful to practice at least 2 or 3 times a week .

The yoga classes for princiantes provide structure and support that you need as a new student to learn yoga postures and sequences . In addition, gradually becoming more aware going in your body, your breathing, what you feel in each position both physically and emotionally. It is a slow process often, but it definitely takes you deeply into yourself. To connect to the health of your body and peace of your mind.

In the morning you can do at home about 10 minutes from Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), a sequence of postures that will be very easy to learn and has many benefits. Carry you energy to start your day is one of them.

If you can not attend classes with this frequency, you can also practice at home. In addition to greet the sun , there are other positions that you can do without difficulty. In my Youtube channel you have multiple videos Yoga for beginners that you can be very useful to start.

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Here’s a video that will show you how to do the Sun Salutation step by step.

2. Is it going to hurt the body after yoga classes?

I remember my first day of yoga after many years without practicing. During the class I did not have much problem but the next day if he felt the muscles “were there”. You know? That feeling it gives after making a new exercise. Depending on the person can hurt more or less, and may last for the first few weeks after starting the practice of yoga. It can be a combination of using muscles differently and challenge the muscles to do more. Sometimes students also experience a profound release of the muscles they were very tight and this can also cause pain.

It is absolutely normal that disappear when your body gets used to the practice. If you see that you get worse with time, I advise you decrease the frequency and mainly to discuss it with your yoga teacher.

Please note that your body is getting used to new exercises, a new practice.
It’s like when you go to the gym after 1 year. My personal advice is do not do more than your body feel you can do.
Listen to your body .

3. What should I eat before going to class?

As a general rule, and I think this applies to any type of exercise, you should not go to class finished eating, or the very full stomach. I try to wait about 2 or 3 hours after eating . You can drink water before, any infusion or if you’re really hungry, eat some fruit until about 15 minutes before class.

4. Can I start receiving lessons in a group although not beginners?

In general, the answer is yes. Unless specified before the class is for advanced level, teachers usually handle multiple levels in the same class.

Your task and not just at the beginning of practice, but always, is to listen to your body and do more than you can at all times. Sometimes it’s hard to find that middle ground between laziness and overexertion, so I encourage you to keep your mind alert. If you have to rest, to do less, it is perfect, do it.

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If you do not compare yourself with others, if you feel you are yourself looking and feeling every movement, every breath, it will be even easier for you. Remember that yoga is a very personal way and everyone is at the point where it has to be, which is neither better nor worse than yours. Even ourselves at all times are different. Do not judge yourself and enjoy your practice without comparing yourself.

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Yoga for beginners: 7 frequently asked questions. 9


5. Should I use accessories? If so, what?

Using blocks, ropes and blankets can be helpful in your practice but in my experience, are not essential. If you go to class and the teacher encourages you to use, great experience with them. Even if you practice at home and see that you can be useful, do not hesitate to use them. There may come a time when you can make the postures without your help.

However, do not think that everyone who uses these accessories is because it takes some practice time. These accessories are very useful for certain exercises, and is independent of the experience of using them. For example, a block can help you maintain a posture more comfortably flexibility or balance, and a blanket can help you stay longer in a position where lean knee on the floor, without hurting yourself.

The yoga mat is also a very useful element. When I was a child and practiced in Cuba, we used a blanket because it was what he had. But if you have the opportunity to have your own mat, it is a gift that you would appreciate.

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6. If I want to lose weight, should I do some exercise in addition to yoga?

If you started doing yoga as a general wellness plan and in order to lose weight , keep in mind that must be accompanied by a healthy diet .

Yoga will allow you to eliminate toxins and fluids, optimize the functioning of the digestive system, increase muscle energy, etc. In addition, constant practice also feel many other benefits of yoga , such as improving your self esteem and your confidence, and will improve the quality of your sleep.

Practicing yoga to lose weight is a good choice because it will work on all aspects of obesity: mental, physical and emotional .

Yoga will also help you become more aware of everything you eat, and so will gradually differentiate hunger you feel your mind, and your body feels. This way you can really eat when hunger is physical and is not in your mind.

In this very personal item, I tell you my own experience how yoga helped me lose weight.

>> How often should I practice yoga to lose weight? <<

7. How long do I need to practice before you start to see changes in my body?

There are many people- you may be one of them, who come to yoga because they want to be stronger, more flexible, more balanced or perhaps to improve some pain. And this desire may have you do your practice regularly. So that’s great! Changes in your physical body will arrive depending on your record and will be a combination of job you are also making a mental and emotional level. Perhaps you only see at first level work the body, but it really is much deeper, if you’re not aware of it.

Other changes also go experimenting with time as more power of concentration, decreased stress levels, improved sleep quality, greater connecting your mind with your body, among many other benefits you go as you experiencing practicing yoga on and off the mat.

I hope I have clarified some of the most common questions that you have been able to emerge.

A big hug for you and enjoy your practice and life.

