A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Yoga for Men’s Health

If we visit the modern
yogaCenter, the first thing that we have caught my eye – it is the predominance of the female audience in the classroom. Almost every yoga center in the schedule can be seen female yoga classes, while men’s classes are very rare. Of course, demand dictates supply, and as a result we are seeing an increased demand for women’s yoga, and sufficiently low demand from men for this type of practice. Sometimes even fold stereotypes that yoga – this is purely a women’s practice, and the men have to “to drag the iron.” However, it is fundamentally not true! Originally, yoga was only a man’s practice. Yoga for Men – is not only a physical activity that allows you to be alert, cheerful and sexually attractive, but the exercise of self-discipline, which helps to maintain calm and composure in all situations.

As a result of regular practice strengthens all muscles of the body, develops endurance.
During the lessons the different nature of the pain, fatigue, stress, irritability disappear, replaced by peace and quiet. Unlike weight training, after yoga practice there is a burst of energy, vitality and strength, increases efficiency, creativity and sexual activity.

The complex practice yoga for men includes the following
asanas :

  • To warm up, it is recommended to carry out a complex of
    Surya Namaskar . It helps to stretch the back and legs before practice, and also contributes to awakening, gives a surge of energy needed. During the execution of the complex need to breathe calmly and deeply.

  • Asana for disclosure pelvic:
    Utthita Trikonasana ,   Utthita Parshvakonasana , Ardha Chandrasana , Virabhadrasana I , Virabhadrasana II , Virabhadrasana III , Vrikshasana , Upavishtha Konasana , Padmasana , Baddha Konasana . These asanas opening the pelvis, a beneficial effect on the sexual organs and improve potency.

  • The slopes –
    Adho Mukha Shvanasana ,   Uttanasana , Paschimottanasana , Janu Sirshasana – help to relax, to let go of unwanted thoughts, let the brain rest.

  • Inverted postures –
    Salamba Sarvangasana , halasana , Salamba Sirshasana – improve metabolism, preventing obesity, update brain cells fight the signs of aging (wrinkles, gray hair).

  • Deflections –
    Dhanurasana , Shalabhasana , ECC Mukha Shvanasana – pull the spine, returning to him the flexibility and tone the abdominal organs (stomach, intestines, spleen).
See also  Learning to perform Bakasanu

See also: 5 asanas for erectile dysfunction


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