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Yoga for the prevention of urolithiasis

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis), according to the traditional official medicine – disease associated with the formation of stones in the kidney or in other organs of the urinary system.
Stone disease may suffer all ages – from newborns to the elderly. The patient’s age, as a rule, type of urinary stone depends. If you are caught unawares disease urolithiasis, then immediately proceed to its treatment. Typically, treatment includes adhering to certain diet. However, we will not go into details, as this is primarily the competence of health professionals. Try to understand the complex postures which can provide the prophylactic and therapeutic effect in remission.

In general, it can be argued that the complete yoga practice exerts a beneficial effect as improved blood circulation in the kidneys and the urinary tract, as well as stabilized metabolism.
It should be remembered that it is necessary to delay the practice of yoga during exacerbation of the disease. In remission shows regular adequate load at which it is possible to attend regular yoga classes, if there are no contraindications doctor.

Urolithiasis special attention should be paid to the following groups of asanas:

  • Backbends –
    bhudzhangasana and dhanurasana .

  • Twist – 
    ardha matsiendrasana , parivritta janu Sirshasana , pashasana .

  • Poses that strengthen the abdominal and back muscles –
    shalabhasana and Paripurna navasana . Strong muscles will support the internal organs, the kidney will not move too (this may be one of the reasons for the formation of stones, violations outflow of urine and occurrence of inflammatory processes).

  • Inverted postures, increasing blood circulation in the kidneys, –
    Sirshasana , Salamba sarvangasana , Viparita karani .
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When urolithiasis exerts a beneficial effect execution Bandhas because
they cause swings in intra-abdominal pressure, the volume of the abdominal cavity, the stimulation of peristalsis, shaking and stretching ureters, contributing, thus, the removal of stones and preventing their re-education. Furthermore, the execution
uddiyana bandha , agnisara and nauli enhances food and blood circulation in the kidney, has a stimulating effect, massaging and solidifying them by increasing muscle elasticity, developing their tone.

In order to restore blood pressure and blood flow in the kidneys help nadi shodhana pranayama , various imaging kidneys during shavasana practice breathing “in the bud.” In yoga, there is no Shatkarmas, cleansing it of kidney and urinary tract. However vamana dhauti and sankha prakshalana by stimulating the body’s excretory functions, serve as a good prevention of stone formation. But keep in mind that they also may trigger withdrawal stones. To better cope with the disease, it is better to combine a group lesson with a small set of asanas, designed specifically to improve kidney function. This complex can be included in home practice.

All postures should be performed with the obligatory concentration in the kidneys and full breath. In addition, the decisive factor is the regularity of training. Make a small complex (15 minutes), but twice a day, with no gaps. Naturally, it can not substitute proper training, but help cope with the disease.

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