Yoga positions: Marichi Marichyasana III or posture


Marichi = literally means light beam.

To learn more about the position of Marichi or Marichyasana III , follows step by step the instructions below.

It is important for the practice of yoga positions that do not stop reading the benefits, contraindications, precautions, and advice for beginners that you get at the end.

Yoga posture: Marichi or Marichyasana III


  1. Sit in Dandasana (posture cane), with both legs extended. If the column tends to be rounded, sit on a folded blanket.

    Bend right knee and about the heel to the pelvis.
    Firmly press the base of the big toe and the inside of the heel toward the floor, and evenly distributes the weight across the foot. Keep your left leg straight with feet and toes activated by pushing the floor with the heel.

    Keep your left leg straight and right knee bent, will help to lengthen the spine, which is always a
    prerequisite of a good twist.
  1. With exhalation, turn your torso to the right, left arm extending beyond the outside of his right thigh. Bend the elbow and the left arm pressed against the external face of the right thigh.
  2. Take your right hand up behind the pelvis, resting his fingers on the floor, so that you will support and can lift your torso slightly up and forward.
  3. Remember that for this yoga position must keep your left leg straight and your right knee bent with foot on the ground. Continues lengthening the spine with each inhalation, and turn a little more with each exhalation. Gently move your head to the right and look over your right shoulder to complete the twist in the neck.
  4. It remains in the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then undo an exhalation position, change legs and performs Marichyasana III  to the other side for an equal period of time.
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  • Massages the abdominal organs, also the liver and kidneys.
  • Straighten your shoulders.
  • It stimulates the brain.
  • Relieves low back pain and hip pain.
  • Strengthens and stretches the spine.


This is one of the yoga positions that should only be done with the supervision of a physician experienced in case you have serious back injuries or spinal teacher.

It also avoids this position if you have:

  • high blood pressure or low pressure.
  • Migraine.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headache.
  • Insomnia.


The yoga positions can be often complicated for beginners. In the position Marichi may find difficult to sit upright after bending the knee as described in step 1. The pelvis tends to sink back, rounded back and this can cause pain. To compensate for this problem and keep the pelvis in a neutral position, sit on a thick blanket folded or on a pillow.