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Yoga therapy of varicose veins of the pelvic organs

Varicose veins of small pelvis often common in women.
Some time ago, the disease does not recognize, and it was taken for a variety of gynecological diseases. Patients put chronic pain pelvic syndrome, when a woman has periodically appeared strange pain in the abdomen, pelvic and ovarian. In addition, doctors often put the wrong diagnosis and prescribed antibiotics and hormonal agents. When varicose pelvic veins such treatment not only benefits, but also sometimes damages. This applies particularly to increase blood clotting, which exacerbates the disease.

The main causes of varicose veins of small pelvis

  1. Gestation and birth (increase in uterine increases pressure in the abdominal cavity, which results in compression of the veins and deterioration of the venous outflow from the lower extremities, pelvic and abdominal cavity).

  2. Using different methods of contraception (IUD presence interrupted intercourse, as well as the absence of orgasms adversely affect the pelvic venous circulation).

  3. Menstrual irregularities and hyperestrogenia adversely interfere with the regulation of vascular venous tone

  4. The weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.

  5. Venous valvular dysfunction (valves promote movement of blood in one direction only – to the heart without letting it move back If Vienna excessively expands, the valve flap away from each other and begin to pass blood in the opposite direction.)

Mechanisms of venous return

Before turning to the technique yogaterapii varicose veins, consider mechanisms that improve venous return and prevent the development of varicose veins.

1)      muscle pump of the lower extremities . Every time we take a step, the muscles of legs and thighs are reduced, the veins at their thicker, compressed and blood is forced up along the valve, that is, toward the heart.

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2)      a suction action on the thorax breathing. During inhalation, the pressure in the thorax decreases, which leads to the blood sucked into major veins, located close to the heart, thereby improving blood return to the heart from peripheral veins.

Recommendations for the practice of yoga with varicose veins

When building protivovarikoznye practice to exclude technology, aggravating venous congestion and limiting the normal mechanisms of venous return.
These include standing asanas with long-lasting hold, because they turn off the muscular pump of the lower extremities. By itself, the practice of standing
postures will be very useful, but without long-lasting hold. You can perform Surya Namaskar using any standing postures in dynamic mode with short fixations. This approach will strengthen the muscle pump of the lower extremities, and will not block it.

Should be deleted from the locking asanas practice significantly increases pressure in the abdominal cavity – primarily
ardha navasana and the like.

To unload the pelvic veins is recommended to perform inverted
postures . In addition, the venous system are beneficial pelvic twisting variations of inverted postures, such as Parsva Sarvangasana and the like.

Ventral keying (
uddiyana bandha and nauli ) are powerful vacuum techniques, creating a negative pressure in the body cavity and therefore enlarging venous return. The most powerful vacuum technique is madhyama- nauli .

It is important to use breathing techniques in a particular mode, aimed at improving venous return.
To enhance the inhalation suction action should be put into practice
full breath .

Protivovarikoznye exercise for beginners:

  • from position
    tadasany inspiratory ujjayi carry and raise hands up (switching action of the suction chest inspiratory) and simultaneously get up on tiptoes (inclusion muscle pump lower extremities)

  • exhale without ujjayi, go down on his heels, hands down.
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For a trained person with varicose disease of the pelvic organs it is recommended that the following complex:

  • inspiratory ujjayi to enter into
    urdhva mukha shvanasanu ,

  • exhale without ujjayi transition into
    Adho Mukha shvanasanu ,

  • end expiratory uddiyana-
    bandha (unloading pelvic venous system, wherein the pelvic region is above the level of the heart, and the venous outflow is facilitated by gravity, and due to the vacuum action uddiyana Bandhas).

  • Performing uddiyana bandha
    Adho Mukha shvanasane unloading pelvic veins can be performed repeatedly throughout the complex.


Varicose veins of the pelvic organs – a disease that can be stopped with yogaterapii.
Well-formed class, excluding long-term stay in the standing and seated asanas, and breathing practices including, as a rule, give very good results.  

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