5 ancient principles of Yoga for the Mind

5 ancient principles of Yoga for the mind 3


Did you know that the practice of yoga benefits our mind?

There are a variety of disciplines that promote healthy states in various aspects, and yet, most focus on physical aspects.

Three thousand years ago, Buddha realized that most of the problems that afflict people are the product of our mind .

In fact, this is reflected in the Dhammapada (collection of the sayings of the Buddha); in this document, Buddha declares:

With our thoughts we make the world.

He speaks or acts with an impure mind

and problems will follow you

as the cart follows the ox self-absorbed.

We are what we think.

Everything we are comes from our thoughts.

With our thoughts we make the world.

He speaks or acts with a pure mind

and happiness will follow you

like you own shadow, inseparable.

Two centuries later, Patanjali, a Hindu spiritual teacher, made the same discovery Buddha, and stepped forward to liven up a systematic process through which each person can learn to overcome the torments of his mind: The Yoga. 

How Yoga benefits to our mind?

Many people believe that yoga is a set of postures and exercises with the ultimate aim of promoting physical health; but the reality is that yoga is much more than that.

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Through yoga it is to develop a philosophical system by which a person can prepare your mind and bring joy to your life, clarity of thought, and an imperturbable serenity.

Other benefits of yoga is all that people learn to calm their anxiety and stress states ; and even this practice can help them quit harmful habits and change harmful behavior patterns.

How to practice 5 ancient principles of Yoga for the mind?

There are 5 ancient principles known as Yamas , that if you practice, will help you lead your life all the benefits that Yoga offers you: 

Principle 1: Exerts non violence (Ahimsa)

But refrain from doing physical harm to others (including animals), this principle refers to try not to hurt others on a much wider scale.

Do you have a weakness for making snide remarks to your coworkers?

Or maybe your husband suffers from diabetes problems, but you do not help him with diet and keep eating food that he did not benefit him.

With this principle you should look for is to realize the consequences of your actions and words, and take steps to avoid causing suffering to others.

Principle 2: Be true (Satya)

Do you keep attached to truth and sincerity?

Do you respect your word, or just talking for talking?

Our society is characterized by passing small lies, which can make more bearable coexistence; and yet each of these little lies, affect your wellbeing without you being aware of it.

Always try to keep you attached to the truth and lead by example.

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Principle 3: not steal (Asteya)

More than the mere act of taking someone something that belongs refers to you to evaluate if with your actions and words you’ve taken something that is not yours.

Like greet with alien hat, taking credit for work that others have done?

Do you make unsubstantiated comments about others, and “steal” your reputation?

Remember: You have to take what is not yours. In the end, the universe always gives us what belongs to us.

Principle 4: Self- Practice (Brahmacharya)

This principle invites us to learn to act with body, mind, intelligence and senses free attachment; which it can only be achieved when we learn to act in full control.

The practice of self makes us liberated persons in the material world; and stop living in constant anxiety and confused.

Principle 5: Do not cling to anything (Aparigraha)

Do not cling to the things of this world!

Did you past that you have enjoyed an excellent meal at a restaurant, and automatically make a mental note with a reminder to return again another time to this place?

Whenever you cling, what you do is connect your mind to past events. This prevents you from enjoying the present moment and what comes next.

Practice giving up clinging.

Undoubtedly yoga brings many benefits to our lives. If you’re determined to practice these 5 principles of Yoga for the mind, we invite you to take the first step by learning to meditate . Learn to meditate downloading free this material.



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