5 Essential Oils That Should Have everyone at home

I take a little time studying about essential oils , an exciting topic. Just thinking about it and I’m feeling the distinctive and delicious smell of lavender relaxes me many times during my meditation. Today I share with you some of what I’ve learned and I would love if you have something to contribute, leave me a comment.

essential oils
Enjoy the benefits of essential oils

The essential oils are obtained by extraction of natural oils from various plant parts. Usually it has done by steam distillation or by extraction. Being very concentrated, very small amounts are needed to achieve the effect you want.

Then let’s take a look at the top five essential oils that you should always have handy at home.

1. Lavender essential oil

This essential oil, as I said at the beginning, has a delicious and fresh smell of flowers with a special sweet touch. It is one of the most versatile of essential oils . Therapeutically, the essential oil of lavender has a calming effect that does wonders, and is very useful for people suffering from anxiety. Can be used medicinally as an antiseptic and anti – inflammatory to soothe minor burns, insect bites and muscle or joint pain. You can use it for your relaxation after a yoga practice at home, while doing the posture Savasana. An inspiration and you will feel immensely happy!

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2. Peppermint essential oil

The peppermint essential oil is not only effective awakening mental acuity, but it is very helpful in relieving congestion is expectorant, relieves headache and migraine, improves digestive problems and eases sore muscles. I use a lot when I have a cold, it helps me a lot relieve cough and to sleep!

3. Eucalyptus essential oil

This oil has a very clean and fresh smelling, besides being a powerful antiseptic and decongestant. Eucalyptus essential oil is anti-everything, and for once this is a good thing ????. It is a natural antibacterial, antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, antirheumatic … is widely used for breathing problems , such as coughs, colds, asthma and nasal congestion. It also serves for muscle pain, mental fatigue, and skin care. I love to put a few drops in the bath with hot water when I’m congested. It’s a natural way to clear my nostrils!

4. Lemon essential oil

With its invigorating and fresh scent, lemon oil can help get rid of the bad vibes and increase your concentration and consciousness in your daily activities. It is also antiseptic and antifungal, so it is a wonderful solution for scrapes, cuts and other open wounds. also helps regulate digestive functions, and also has properties that help dermal remove warts and other skin imperfections.

5. Essential Oil Tea Tree

This essential oil is very popular in alternative medicine, and it’s that tea tree is awesome! Astringent properties of essential oil of tea tree are excellent for people oily skin and hair, for regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands. You can add four drops in shampoo or a cotton ball with the toner you use for the face. Even you can put those four drops on the face cream you use, or directly using a cream that contains it.

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Make sure when you go to buy essential oils that are 100% natural and pure. You can also dilute these oils in water or carrier oils.

If you have any health problems or concerns, consult a specialist.

Do you dare to try essential oils? Are beam used already? Tell me in the comments!

A hug,

