9 Happiness Lessons Learned from Ancient Greece I

The ancient Greeks have much to teach us about life and how to live a conscious, joyful and peaceful manner. Greece, a small country and that left many geniuses How is it possible ?, the secret is in the bases they were taught from a young age.

Here I present to Maria Benardis 9 lessons learned from the ancient Greeks, which have given him the courage and strength to live a more authentic life. It has also given the tools to live a happy and peaceful life.

 1. Do everything with the word “agape” (unconditional love)

Do in life what you really want, not what you tell your family or people. Do what you are passionate and authentic. Strive to make your true self.

“The pleasure in your job puts perfection in the”


“Love is the cause of unity in all things”


“The love that shines from the inside can not be obscured by obstacles in the world”


2. Embrace the challenges and learn from them.

Find peace in the challenges is to be present and open to new opportunities and ideas. Plays a NO as a new opportunity to call another door or to move in a new direction. The biggest obstacle in our lives ourselves.  

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“Live today, forget the past”

-Ancient Greek proverb

“Small opportunities are the beginning of large companies”


3. Believe in yourself, listen and do not take too seriously what others say.

Nobody knows you better than you. You will meet many people who will not share your ideas, views and your vision of things. There will be many who will advise you about how your life should be. Listen without judgment but always follows the direction that gives you the heart. 

“Learn to listen, and you will benefit even those who speak evil”


“Learn to be silent, let your quiet mind listen and absorb”


“Only when your mind is silent and listen, and your heart is full of love, only then God spoke to you”


4. He dreams of what you want, not what you do not.

It is important to dream, never quit and dream big.

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have, remember that what you now have, once was a thought of what you expected to have.”


5. Never give up and especially never lose faith.

Happiness 9 lessons I learned from Ancient GreeceReplaces fear with faith. Humility, love and faith attract miracles. Everything happens at the right time.

“The greatest things are not created suddenly, like a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you say you want a fig higera a late challenge, I will answer you have to spend time. Let first blossom, then comes the fruit, then ripen. ”


6. Always strive to think and feel at the positive pole.

Think good thoughts, the ancient Greeks used to say. When negative thoughts enter your mind, rémalos out and replace them with happy thoughts. Focus on the present and the things you are grateful for . Do not join the pessimistic people around you and always surround yourself with optimistic and happy people.

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“Medicine is woven with the fabric of your mind”

“Happiness is an expression of the soul consequent actions”


“Happiness depends upon ourselves”


7. Look within you the answers and direction.

It is important to pray and meditate in difficult times and at times we need a guide, and increase our self-knowledge.

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality”

“You have in yourself the power of God through Jesus, therefore utilízate yourself as the temple of God. Honor God above all things around you. Before you do anything thinks of God, your light is your energy. The reason that is in you is the light of your life. Ask God for things, which can not receive from the hand of man ”

Sextus the

8. In difficult times find the courage within you.

Tough times do not last, but tough people never exhausted.

” We do not develop courage by being happy with your relationships every day. You develop to overcome hard times and challenges in adversity ”


“You can not do anything great in this world without courage. This is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor ”


9. Watch your mistakes positively as experiences that move you in the direction of your dreams.

Forgive yourself and others. Because we all commit many mistakes along the way.

“No mistakes is not a power, the power is in you through your mistakes and mistakes get her wisdom and you achieve your goals”


A hug,

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Elias Berntsson

(Source: Maria Benardis – www.mindbodygreen.com)

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