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A new look at menopause

A new look at menopause 3

Subject menopause is surrounded with many myths, the most important of which is that the menopause – a youth finals, beauty, femininity, sexuality, which is necessary to delay as much as possible. Let’s understand what menopause is the stage of life affects the woman’s body, why there are unpleasant symptoms and how to avoid them.

Climax and youth

Climax – is the ending of reproductive age, ovarian function.
Since the estrogen produced by the ovaries are responsible for the feminization, breast growth, the roundness of the figure, the cessation of ovarian estrogen production is associated with many wrinkles, sagging body, excessive thinness or completeness and general loss of female attractiveness. Fortunately, these fears are unfounded. Estrogen in the female body are distinguished not only by the ovaries, but also by the adrenal glands, which after the end of the gonads, perfectly able to maintain balanced hormones.

Climax is just the end of childbearing age.
And, despite the fact that most women end genital activity before, and hardly anyone is going to give birth after 47-50 years, the loss of fertility is seen as a serious loss. If you are not going to give birth – do not be afraid of menopause, and even more to try to postpone it.

Some time ago, even doctors used hormone therapy that seeks to artificially stretch the childbearing age, pushing menopause.
The results of these experiments were very sad. Late menopause come with strong climacteric syndrome, garmonozavisimye tissue often ozlokachestvlyalis. However, no differences in the appearance of these women their same age who have passed the menopause stage was not. Attempts to delay the menopause is not only not helpful, but damaging to women’s health. Today, more and more experts agree that the earlier the ovaries cease to function – the safer for women. In the United States is widespread spaying after the birth of the last child in the prevention of cancer. On the external attractiveness, sexuality and youth absence of menstruation does not affect.

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Menopause and sexual life

Another myth is the imaginary relationship of ovarian function with sexual desire and orgasmic women.
Such opinions only demonstrate a profound ignorance of the internal processes of the female body.

For the woman’s sexual desire does not correspond to estrogen and progesterone, and the androgens that are not associated with ovarian activity.
The center of the sexual feelings is the area of ​​the clitoris, whose sensitivity is again not related to reproduction. Orgasmic contractions of the uterus causes oxytocin, which is produced in the pituitary gland. So even post-menopausal woman or a woman with ovariectomized shall feel no depletion of their sexual feelings or desires recession.

Moreover, the absence of fear of getting pregnant and need to be protected (of course, if it is a constant and healthy partner), makes it possible for many women after menopause feel sex is much more relaxed and at ease.

Menopause and menopause

Many women are afraid of menopause because of the unpleasant symptoms that sometimes accompany this period.
Menopausal syndrome can be manifested in many ways, but the most common symptoms are “flushes” (sudden sensation of intense heat, sweating) and mood jumps, irritability, irregular bleeding, change of metabolism (sharp weight gain or weight loss). At the same time, these states can be stretched to 10 years. Of course, all this undermines the physical and emotional health of the woman and of a protracted period of menopause a woman goes tired and aged.  

The above unpleasant menopause symptoms associated with hormonal disorders.
The ovaries produce too much or too little hormone, and adrenal glands are unable to compensate for such differences and to maintain balance.

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Unfortunately, if menopause a woman caught by surprise, the removal of the unpleasant symptoms of the methods are not so much.
Good idea to adjust the amount of estrogen help “women’s herb” (oregano, motherboard, clover, shepherd’s purse, upland uterus, etc.) rich in phytoestrogens. These substances act on the receptors in our body as well as your own hormones, helping to regulate the balance of the brain, but it does not cause the adverse effects that cause ovarian estrogen in their excess. In sufficient quantities of phytoestrogens found in some foods, such as soy, parsley and milk products, flax.

To climax was easy

The unpleasant symptoms of menopause can be minimized or even completely avoid them.
Researchers have noticed that very easily and even completely unnoticed passes menopause in women who make regular runs to long distance (10 km) and swimming in the hole. This is due to the fact that the stress load in these women constantly activates the adrenal glands. It is these glands is easy to take on the maintenance of the balance of hormones in ovarian failure.

Already with 40 years (and preferably before) a woman can begin purposefully engaged in the development of the adrenal glands.
In yoga, deep troughs and active power practice with a lot of balances on hand as well it stimulates the adrenal glands.

Too many mature women needlessly avoid such kinds of activity, because they will help to successfully survive the menopause.
Active and trained by the adrenal glands take care of the strong bones of a mature woman, skin elasticity and attractiveness of the figure.

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If you are 40, you should not be afraid of menopause.
Run marathons, masters the balance of power in the hands of the deep troughs, bathe in the hole! A body will thank you Young, healthy and attractive for years to come.

Be healthy!

Questions questions Yogasecrets. ru replied yogaterapevt and yoga teacher Valentina Malinovskaya.

Valentina Malinovskaya:

  • Experience yoga practice of 25 years of teaching experience of 14 years.
  • He participated in seminars Kali
    Ray ( Tri Yoga ), Reinhard Gamenthallera (D.Brahmachari School), David Swenson (Ashtanga Vinyasa), Petri Raysyanena (Ashtanga Vinyasa), Sergei Agapkina ( Svastha Yoga ), R. Sharath Jois (Ashtanga Vinyasa).
  • Trained and certified in the Moscow Ashtanga Yoga Center of International Yoga Federation standards (2008-2009).
  • Yoga instructor certificate of the Moscow Ashtanga Yoga Center, International Yoga Federation diploma, certificate teacher of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (David Swenson).
  • Successfully trained and certified at the “Institute of traditional systems of healing” (Moscow, 2010-2011). “On yogaterapii Specialist” qualification.


Prepared Daria Rolin

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