A very present absence Jeff Foster

A very present absence Jeff Foster

A very present absence Jeff Foster

I bring this Bibliomind a book published by Kairos titled “A very present absence. Release daily “life of Jeff Foster. For those who have done the AGENDA 40 of mindfulness practices online, or be thinking in doing so, you can become a reference book about what really is the practice of mindfulness in everyday life.

In a very present absence Jeff Foster proposes absolute liberation in the here and now. The practice of spirituality from a more secular side if I may, is a work of inner liberation to get us from continued suffering that entails being continually through the landscapes of the past or the future, without being present at the place that inhabit; in the continuous present that is the here and now.

As the author, “The words of this book point to something very simple. Suggest life as deployed, the obvious and simple presence of all the images, sounds and smells present vitality that is behind all that moves everything, all – transcending and that that’s it”.

With this statement, it begins “a very present absence” of Jeff Foster is ultimately a book about non-duality. Because “We have never been separated from the ocean. We have never been separated from the whole. All there is the dream of that separation. But always, nevertheless, we have been looking for the way back to our home “ which is none other than the here and now as we learn in the workshop Mindfulness practices OnLine PROGRAM 40 .

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The text, written in a challenging, thoughtful and yet entertaining way, is not books that you can read only once. It is a “manual” to consult from time to time. A continuous invitation to reflection, that in these times of profound change, point to a path that transit the face of such duality that usually potentiating human suffering.

“Everything is ultimately appropriate, because everything is pointing to here. And it pointed to everything that has happened. The story of your life is not, right now, more than a story that emerges in the present. This is the only hisotira could now appear. It is as if waking from a dream, you dieses realized that this was the only dream you could have. “

A very present absence of Jeff Foster the book you can not miss it. It is a reflection push here and now and what here and now. Liberation in everyday life treated by a spiritual seeker that ended in the discovery that, really, there was nothing to find.


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