Compassion. What it is, what it is for and how to use it

Compassion.  What is, what it does and how to use it

Compassion. Yes, indeed. And sure it has nothing to do with what you’re thinking. In this book Editoria Kairos, you can learn to “realize” the enormous power of compassion

Compassion as a driving force of transformation from within us into a new world.


“The strength of compassion. Dalai Lama teaching for our world. ” Daniel Goleman. Editorial Kairos


“The strength of compassion” is one of those books that the Kairos publishing surprises us occasionally.

It is true that all bibliographic this editorial is the most important, and should keep it in mind from time to time, because when reading about topics dealing about personal development, you can always find treasures. “The Power of Compassion” is one of them.

Join in a volume to Daniel Goleman and the Dalai Lama talking about compassion.

Indeed, unite Daniel Goleman , author among others of “Focus” , “Emotional Intelligence” , “Social Intelligence” or “Working with Emotional Intelligence” and the Dalai Lama , spiritual leader of Buddhists and widely respected man, to talk of compassion, it is a great success of the Kairos publishing house , which has so accustomed us to good and interesting books.

It is true that for me, mindfulness is a tool for personal and professional development and what I try to make known through Plenacción, suppressing all derived from religion (far from being against religion, but because I consider which it is something intimate, private and personal), but that’s no obstacle to put speaker voices have much to say on the path of spirituality (even secular) and listen to those who know a lot about this.

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So I think it is a very good option you read “The strength of compassion” in which Daniel Goleman speaks fluidly and easily, all the teachings of the Dalai Lama about compassion and how you can transform the world from the principles and values that he cherishes and teaches worldwide.

Compassion as an engine of change

Plagued lessons and anecdotes, the book is divided into four parts and prefaced by the same Dalai Lama, where we announced that ” we need to take action” and worry about the welfare of others as “my well – being depends on others and interested for the welfare of others it is a moral responsibility that I take seriously “ , and invites us to a profound change because ” real change happens when individuals transform themselves guided by the values that are at the core of all human ethical systems, scientific discoveries and common sense “.

Citizen of the world to reinvent the fututo, look inward, look outward, and looking back and forth, are chapters between running this play about the compassion that is so necessary for good personal development human.

Undoubtedly, “the strength of compassion” is the great teaching that leads us to the well – being of everyone . How difficult is it going, but after reading this entertaining book, you will realize that it is easier than you think.

The key, as the Dalai Lama himself says in the preface, is to take action. Change yourself and change the world . At least, that try not to stay.

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