Mindfulness what book to read?. The 4 essential

Book Mindfulness What to read ?.  The four essential to discover

The big question: What book Mindfulness read ?. When you start practicing mindfulness or mindfulness, one of the best things you can do is read. Although as in the traditional Zen saying, “Books are the finger pointing at the moon, but not the moon” so besides reading, you must follow the intense practice especially at first, until you get to become a habit in your daily work. And of those books, I will indicate four is four real gems to discover and deepen your practice of mindfulness

If you are looking for Mindfulness full book, here I will talk about the four essential on mindfulness: “The practice of mindfulness” and “live Full Catastrophe” by Jon Kabat-Zinn and “path with heart” and “After ecstasy, casting “ Jack Kornfield Editorial Editorial Kairos and March Hare.

I like books. I confess that not only reading, but the book as object itself. I try to read everything I can, not only to discover ways, but because it is a huge pleasure to dive into them to meet their magic and all fingers pointing me so many things.

Always try to do with mindfulness and always try to mix reading topics of personal and professional development with other books both fiction and nonfiction and especially always to meet any of the classics. And if we talk classics in the field of mindfulness and mindfulness, I want to introduce here the four basic and indispensable books that I propose to discover.

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Go ahead if you want a mindfulness book, these are not quick reading books and neither I recommend you practice with them reading speed, but rather a slow work, as are books to work.

Authors, I can tell you are the best you’ll find in terms of mindfulness, meditation and mindfulness. There are many others, I know, but I want to leave as an idea how much I’ve learned with them and you know, if you keep this space for personal development consultancy, which I always like to share my findings with you.

Well, speaking of mindfulness and mindfulness book is essential reading Jon Kabat-Zinn who can be considered the “father” Knowledge of mindfulness and Jack Kornfield , a Buddhist monk who has always focused its work on integrating and life the great eastern spiritual teachings in an accessible way to the Western mind.

Four major works on the path of mindfulness, the perils and promises of spiritual life, the wisdom of the heart in spiritual life and learning how to use the wisdom of the body and mind to cope with stress, pain and the illness.

John Kabat-Zinn of are “The practice of mindfulness” that is, without a doubt, the best volume that you are getting about mindfulness. I dare say that this book is where we started all who walk to work in helping others find this path of serenity and happiness in your everyday life. The second book is “Living Full Catastrophe” is a natural continuation of the first and that offers a more practical view and an authentic meditation program.

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As for Jack Kornfield , I want to recommend “path with heart” to start your discovery. A mindfulness book you will surprise a lot.

This volume, under the subtitle of “A Guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life” , a book is to learn about the process of inner transformation and integration of spiritual practice in our way of life in the West. And then you can dive right with my fourth recommendation of this post is “After the ecstasy, the laundry” and talks about how it grows wisdom of heart on the spiritual path.

We always hear that the “enlightenment” when talking about meditation and the practice of mindfulness, but the author in this volume, which tells us is what many people wonder and so what happens next lighting ?. Based on practices Jewish traditions, Buddhist, Christian and Sufi, is also a book to learn about what is what happens when we integrate the practice of mindfulness in our daily lives.

Although the two volumes of Kornfield may seem a closer religious traditions subject, I can tell you is an experience reading and more if you’ve already started your path of discovery of the practice of mindfulness and you long for a book mindfulness you continue to inspire in practice.

I told you at the beginning of the article that one of my passions, photography also are books like learning universe and as a universe of knowledge . I confess that sometimes I buy more than I can read, because they are in my library for future discoveries, and I have a special relationship with each of my books and when I speak of detachment, I confess that cost me rid of them, but if you ask me what five books of mindfulness and mindfulness save , certainly I would say that these four I present you here and the fifth “the Way of Zen” by Alan W.Watts of which I discuss in another post.

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It has become clear, I did not want to speak only of a mindfulness book, but invite you to discover no fewer than four that you can read as you want, but I recommend reading the following order:

“The practice of mindfulness”

“Living Full Catastrophe”

“Path with heart”


“After casting ecstasy”

You can now also chat program 21 of mindfulness practices online.

Click on the book for more information.


A self-help book to celebrate life from mindfulness here and now

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